Page 44 of Control

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But over time we learned each other well, and you’d be hard pressed to find another dom I trust in a scene more than Slade Taylor.

His club is open every night of the week. The weekends are always so busy I barely have time to think, but during the week, especially Mondays and Tuesdays, we’re pretty quiet.

“You know it’s not just an idle threat. I could make sure Phoenix forgot her watch. We could go for as long as it takes for you to spill your guts.”

Phoenix is our resident timekeeper and badass. She makes sure people don’t overstay their welcome in the play rooms. It’s easy enough to get carried away when you’re consumed by a scene. Phoenix’s job is to make sure that those who want a turn, get a turn. She’s like the club’s mom.

Though she hates when we call her that.

I make my way over to him, so clients can’t hear when I say the words out loud. “It’s tempting. I could definitely do with a little mind clearing.”

His brown eyes bore into me with intensity.

“A one night stand from twelve years ago turned up at my door and dropped a child on me that I never knew I had.”

His face pales. “The rumors are true?”

Nodding, I suck in a deep breath. “I have a son. His name is Matthew, or Matty, and he’s autistic. So we’re going through a steep learning curve.”

“And what the hell are you doing here? Go be with your kid.”

Shaking my head, guilt snakes up my spine. I know I should. But Mom has told me for the past three days in a row that just because I’m filling my own cup as a person, doesn’t make me a shit parent. I’m not sure I believe her. There’s a knife in my chest that dug in pretty deeply when I left Matty with Addison tonight before coming to work.

Is this something I’m going to have to live with forever? Or does it ever go away? Rubbing at my chest, I try to swallow down the bitterness in the back of my throat.

“I didn’t leave him by himself.” I wave him off. “But it’s a lot, all at once. And you know this place keeps me sane.”

He nods, slowly taking a long pull of his beer. “You’re the only person who loves this place more than I do. But I’m serious, man. If you need time away, your job will be here when you get back. You know you never need to worry about that.”

“I don’t need time away. I need to stay level, and keep my bucket filled, so I can be the best version of myself when I step out of this place and head home to my son.”

Nodding again, I’m not sure he believes me, but that’s his problem. There are plenty of working parents out there in the world. Sure, not all of them had an almost full-grown, autistic son dropped on their head out of the blue, but they work and parent at the same time just fine.

“Who’s sitting for him? Mom?”

Wincing, I go back to cleaning the bar top. I haven’t gotten around to telling him Mom broke her hip, and he’s going to be even more pissed at that than me not telling him. He’s like a second son to the woman.


I still don’t answer him.

“What’s wrong with Mom?” He smells blood. If I don’t explain myself soon, it’ll probably be mine.

I should have called in and canceled my shift again today. Never mind Matty not being ready to be left without me, I wasn’t ready to face the inquisition that waited for me behind Protocol’s doors.

“She fell and broke her hip.”

His eyes widen. He’s probably contemplating hopping the bar and kicking my ass right now, but a steady stream of patrons have come into our space, and my attention is in demand.

“Does she need anything? Is she okay?”

“She’s... Mom. Impatient to get back on her feet despite being heavily medicated. She’s probably running wheelchair races through the hospital halls as we speak.”

“I’ll call her tomorrow. And have Jaz send her flowers.”

Jasmine is Slade’s assistant. She’s basically the reason this place doesn’t fall down around our ears. She’s the grease that keeps the cogs turning, and the glue that holds everything together. She keeps the bar stocked, the rooms fully booked, and our schedule full of demonstrations and things to keep people interested in Protocol.

A redhead approaches the bar, her hips swaying and her lips curving into a smile.

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