Page 45 of Control

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“You’re not off the hook, Thor. And I’m telling Mom you didn’t share with me that she fell.” He points at me with his pen before turning his attention back to his notebook.

He’s always called Mom, Mom. Since we were little. Even though he has his own family, his own parents. It’s never been weird. In fact, it’s kind of nice feeling like I’m not an only child sometimes. Even if he grinds my gears on the regular.

Turning my attention back to the redhead, I tune out Slade as he pulls out his phone. “What can I get you?”

“A pitcher of mango margaritas please.” She flashes me a winning smile. “And three glasses.” She points over her shoulder to a table where two other women sit facing each other in deep conversation.

I don’t recall seeing any of them here before. “You know it’s alcohol free, right?”

She nods, glancing back over her shoulder again. “Is it that obvious that it’s our first time?”

Now she mentions it, nervous energy courses off her in waves, and she keeps spinning the ring on her thumb. “Our friends have been here before, they gave us the four-one-one before we came.”

She pulls out a stool, taking a seat while I set about making her virgin margaritas. “It’s so weird. I feel naked without my phone.”

That’s the most common feeling when newbies come in here. People seem to have the most epic of brain farts when they don’t have their phones. Having to actually interact and socialize causes them to glitch.

She leans forward. “To be honest, I’m not sure this is my kind of thing.” She looks from side to side like she’s expecting someone to jump out and handcuff her to something. “But I have to admit, I’m definitely curious.”

AfterFifty Shades of Grey, and the rise of books and movies involving kink in pop culture, there has been a stark increase in the number of kink-curious people out there. At least that’s what Slade says. I think people have always been kink-curious, it’s just that now they’reallowedto be publically so.Fifty Shadesgave people the balls to stand up and say, hey, I like that too.

“Are you... kinky?” Her face turns the color of beets before she flaps her hand in front of her face. “I take it back. I don’t want to know.” She shakes her head. “I swear I haven’t been drinking. I don’t know why I’d ask something so... personal.”

She’s adorable. And if I wasn’t stuck behind this bar, I’d consider taking her down to the dungeon and giving her vanilla self a quick, hot as fuck intro to kink. But I can’t.

Also, I’m not sure I want to. The more I stare at her pretty face framed by bone-straight red hair, the more I wonder how Addison is doing. She showed up at my house earlier wearing an oversized cable knit sweater that fell almost all the way to her knees. Her hair was in a messy pile on top of her head, her face was stripped of all makeup, and she had an overnight bag slung over her shoulder.

Pretty sure she’s never looked more beautiful.

She had oversized glasses balanced on her head, too. And I’ve spent the night thinking about her curled up in my loveseat, feet tucked up under her, reading a book, sipping on some hot tea, and being generally adorable.

But the more the woman in front of me leans over the bar, the more of her cleavage she’s showing me. I’ve never been a one-woman guy, so I should be drawn to this beautiful blank canvas in front of me. Maybe part of me even wants to be drawn to her.

There’s few things I love more than helping a strong, empowered, and consenting woman find their kinks. I enjoy being the one to help them explore their sexuality. Like a moth to a flame.

Thankfully there’s a bar between us. I don’t have the time, or the personal space right now for a hookup even if I no longer have the time or personal space at home for hookups either. And while Slade is a pretty laid back guy, he has rules about going downstairs to play while we’re on shift.

I didn’t think it would be an issue, generally speaking, but so far we’ve had two members of staff who indulged in extracurricular activities while they were supposed to be working, and not even on their breaks.

The redhead says thanks for the drinks and takes them back to the table. When there’s a lull in traffic at the bar, Slade agrees to stand watch while I use the restroom.

As I exit the bathroom, she’s there waiting for me. The redhead with the wrong shade of red hair and huge tits. Leaning against the wall, spine curved, chest raised, breasts on full display.

“You followed me to the bathroom?”

She shrugs, giving me a lazy smile. She’s confident, which wasn’t evident by her bumbling about kink at the bar, but she’s clearly a woman who knows what she wants. And right now, she wants me. Stepping toward her, I brace my forearm above her on the wall, caging her in. She looks up at me with wide eyes. If the light wasn’t so dim I’d probably see her pulse fluttering in the base of her neck. I might even try to bite it.

“My friends dared me. It’s my birthday, and they dared me to come and get a kiss from you.”

Skimming my knuckles across her cheek sends a shiver through her. “Happy birthday.” Her breathy sigh would normally send signals straight to my cock, but tonight... nothing.

Biting back a groan I try to send telepathic messages to my junk. I am not a one-woman man. Addison and I are not together. And there’s a gorgeous woman in front of me wanting to stick her tongue in my mouth.

Still nothing.

Addison’s halfway across town, completely ignorant of what’s happening here at the bar, yet she’s still managing to cock-block me.

“Are you going to kiss me?” The redhead drags her tongue over her full bottom lip, and fuck if I’m not just a little tempted to kiss her. “For... my birthday...”
