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The girl giggled. “Of course. That way, we can all be together.”

He looked at Nora, who nodded. “She’s right. We just got you back. Come listen to some fairy tales with us.”

A peace and comfort Hudson hadn’t ever known stirred within him. “I will then.”

As he sat there at the edge of the bed and listened while Nora read, the wonder of it all set within him. How happy they’d both been to see him. Like they’d missed him just as much as he’d missed them.

His gaze kept drifting to Nora until he found he couldn’t take his eyes off her. She was so effortlessly wonderful, and he wished so badly he could tell her his secrets. The most problematic, of course, was the fact that he was actually a polar bear shifter. If she could accept that, then maybe they could make a true life together.

Not wanting to ruin the moment, he shoved all thoughts of why that could never happen into the depths of his mind.



Nora didn’t mind caring for Hannah around the clock when Hudson was gone out of town for business. It was not even like it really felt like work, for she adored Hannah, and the satisfaction she felt getting the injured child back to walking was reward enough.

When he had returned early from his business trip two days ago and surprised them, immense joy had filled her with the thought that he couldn’t stay away from them either. But again this morning, he had to leave for another trip, but shorter this time, he’d promised.

“Nora, when is Hudson coming back? I don’t like that he has to go away so much. I want to play snowballs with him again. He’s so much fun when he’s a polar bear.”

“Pretends to be a polar bear, you mean?”

“Uh, okay, sure,” Hannah said no more but blushed and giggled.

“Oh, sweetie, I don’t think it’ll be long now. But he is a busy man. He makes log cabin mansions like this one for people all over the world.”

Nora smiled confidently at Hannah, but the truth was that she also wondered why Hudson had to go and what he actually did on those business forays.

After a storybook reading of the tale of a weasel and a raccoon, followed by a singing round of Little Bunny Foo-Foo, Nora tucked in the tired little one, making sure her favorite polar bear stuffed animal was by her side.

“Nighty night, Hannah. Sweet dreams.”

Yawning, Hannah replied. “Polar bear dreams.”

Nora smiled. She kissed Hannah goodnight and switched on the soft, blue night light of a polar bear napping on an iceberg.

The nurse padded back out to the great room, where a fire crackled low in its hearth. She sipped at the hot chocolate she had made when giving one to Nora as a bedtime treat, sat back, and stared out the expanse of windows at the silent falling snow.

Nora allowed her mind’s eye to fly over the past few weeks here. There had been some flirting at the intimate dinner for two before Hudson had resumed his out-of-town trips, but it was harmless.

“Right? I mean, it was harmless.” No one answered her plea.

It didn’t stop Nora from continuing the one-sided conversation. “It’s not like we’re a couple or anything. We have Hannah in common. He thanked me with a nice dinner. There were some laughs. He’s always very friendly and happy to see me when he comes home from his trips, but I think that’s mostly just runoff from him being happy to see Hannah. No biggie, right?”

Nora got up to take a closer look outside. The flakes were falling like miniature doilies, so soft, so quiet. Everything on the expansive deck was being buried by the white fluffy powder, softening the world’s sharp edges.

No lights coming up the drive. No him. Geez, why are you acting like this if there’s nothing between you two? You’d swear he proposed or something. Get a grip, girl.

Nora sighed. She walked over to the fireplace and threw another log on the fire.

Spruce. It’ll burn fast. Then it’s off to bed for me.

She plunked back down on the sofa and sipped the last of her drink. It tasted sweet, too sweet. She had added too many marshmallows, probably on account of Hannah’s taste. She put down the mug. The marshmallows reminded her of why she was here.

“It’s all about Hannah, goofball. Remember? You’re here to help her get well and back on her feet. Not to ogle her hunky guardian. Try to keep your eye on the prize.”

Somehow, the self-chastising enlivened Nora enough to incline her to take the scenic route on her way to bed. Since arriving at Hudson’s mansion, she had never taken a tour of the place. With Hudson away and Hannah asleep, the nurse thought a little peek through the countless rooms wouldn’t hurt.

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