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He wasn’t an overly friendly person. He didn’t seem like a lady’s man, and he sure as hell didn’t seem to take anything lightly. So why was he being so open and tender with Nora, or was she interpreting it incorrectly because she wanted something more?

She shook her head and stood from her seat. She hated herself for thinking more about her desires when she was supposed to be focused on helping Hannah, not herself.

Still, Nora couldn’t ignore the way that Hudson made her feel. It was as if they were their own little family the more time they spent together, and it made her heart feel so full that she never wanted to let it go.

Maybe that’s what drove her feelings. Maybe Hudson really wasn’t that interested, and she just wanted to imagine he was.

She studied Hudson, his usually hard features softened with his dark hair disheveled. His strong arms hung loosely over the sleeping Hannah as soft snores emanated from them both.

Nope. There was something extra about Hudson that made Nora’s heart race and palms sweat as her girly parts called intimately for him.

She needed to get it together. This confusion needed to be put aside.

But what is there to be confused about? He can’t be with a human unless he leaves the clan, and I could never ask that of him. Nor could he ever do that. He’s their leader,she thought as she went to the kitchen, ready to busy her hands and mind so she could put the matter aside.

* * *

It had been a good,long day.

Once Hudson and Hannah had awoken, they had lunch and continued to enjoy the outside before it became too cold.

Meanwhile, Nora kept her focus on Hannah and tried to keep her one-on-one time with Hudson limited.

Thanks to the winter hours and being tucked away in the mountains, it was already dark when they finished dinner. This made it even easier for Hannah to have an earlier bedtime than usual.

She had been working harder than before while they were there, wanting to engage in all the activities and excited that she was able to do so much more than even a week or two before. She had even started to wear leg braces to help keep her up and walking for longer without requiring the chair. It was exhausting, Nora was sure, but Hannah never complained.

It made Nora so happy to see such progress and joy in the young girl’s eyes.

Hannah was starting to act like a child again, and that was worth more than all the money to Nora.

She saw it meant as much to Hudson as well, but she forced herself to not dwell on that part. She was already trying to distance herself from her emotional connection to him.

Still, the whole day felt perfect to her. No matter how hard she tried to put Hudson to the side, he made an effort to talk with her continuously.

Once Hannah was tucked into bed, Nora felt a blush come on when she saw Hudson sitting on the couch waiting for her.

“Come sit for a moment.”

She cautiously walked over and sat on the loveseat. “I’m sorry if I overstepped putting her to bed. I just kind of…”

He waved her apology off. “Don’t be sorry for that. If I would have laid her down, she would have asked for you anyway. She’s very fond of you.”

“Well, I’m very fond of her as well.” Nora smiled. She relaxed and leaned back on the couch, casting her eyes on the blazing fireplace, keeping the cabin warm in the dark coldness of the winter night.

She looked out of the window beyond and saw it was starting to snow again.

It added to the whole ambiance of their setting. If she didn’t know any better, it was as if nature was luring her and Hudson into a romantic evening.

Hudson scooted slightly closer to her. “Is this what you were expecting when you took on the job?” He looked intently into her eyes.

She felt naked by the way he looked at her. Her thighs warmed as she realized she wished she was naked … and that he was too.

Ignoring her sensations, she answered him. “In a way. I knew it was going to be a lot of work, but Hannah is so determined and optimistic. It grows day by day. She inspires me to put my best foot forward because if she is able to, then we all can.”

For the first time, Nora saw a true, warm smile spread over his face. It was a beautiful thing to behold, and she wondered why he didn’t wear it more often.

“You don’t give yourself enough credit. You are an inspiration to her as well. I can tell she looks up to you. I can’t thank you enough.” He touched her hand that rested on the couch, holding her eyes with his own.

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