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She opened the door and stepped out. She stuffed her phone deep into her pocket and headed down the hallway. “Hey, sorry that took so long.”

She rounded the corner and came to a stop when she took in an empty living room. There was no one around, and the house was utterly silent.

A chill ran down her spine, and she looked toward the back door looking for Hannah. Maybe they took her outside.

She hurried, pulled the door open, and found it empty. Her heart raced, and her mind went to one thing. Hannah was gone. The staff was gone. She heard a door open and shut during her phone call two minutes ago.

“Oh, my God,” she said as she took a step backward.

Hannah was gone.

Hannah wastaken.



The last thing Hudson was expecting after their little spat was for Nora to call him. A part of him wanted to just let it go to voicemail. He didn’t want to have this fight right now, especially not over the phone.

But she’d be angrier with him if he kept ignoring her, and that was what had started this mess in the first place. So, he answered the phone with a growl. “Nora, if you’re calling to argue…”

“Hannah’s missing!”

Her panicked words sent ice through his veins.

“Missing?” His bear roared at the word. “What do you mean she’s missing?”

“I was distracted after I talked with you and wasn’t paying attention, and when I went back, she and the therapists were gone.” She sounded like she was on the verge of sobbing. “I should’ve known! They were different, but I just thought the usual ones couldn’t make it.”

“Stay there. I’m coming to find her.” And with that, he hung up.

He didn’t bother to cancel any of his appointments for the day or explain where he was going. He just got in the car and drove.

Hannah was missing. Someone had taken her. And there wasn’t a force on Earth that was going to keep him from finding her.

The drive went by in a blur. His mind was occupied with every possibility of what could have happened to her. What was happening to her right now?

Everything he’d suspected about the plane crash not being an accident was coming to the forefront of his mind. These could be the same people who went after Frank. It couldn’t be a coincidence that she’d been taken so soon after the plane crash.

But what would they want with Hannah?

A few possibilities came to mind, and he growled.

He was going to save Hannah from whoever had taken her away from him. And when he got his hands on whoever it was, he was going to rip them apart.

It seemed like a lifetime before he finally reached his house. He raced inside and found Nora in the living room. Her eyes were red and puffy, and she looked half-crazed with worry.

Her gaze immediately snapped to him, and she looked like she wanted to cry all over again. “I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry. I should have known better. I shouldn’t have let …”

Hudson grabbed her arms firmly. “Stop that. I highly doubt that youletanything happen. Right now, I need you to tell me everything you can about the people here today.”

She nodded and began listing off every detail she could. What they had looked like, the car they drove, the way they walked.

Something else struck him as odd, though. No matter how distracted she was, Nora knew her medical practices and had sat in on enough of Hannah’s sessions. These people had to have been good at imitating real doctors to fool her. Unless…

“Did they seem to know what they were doing?”

