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Hannah woke a little later, and they spent the day together. But he had enough time to make reservations at a nice restaurant and to find someone to watch Hannah that night so they could go out.

They stopped at the restaurant, and Nora looked at him. "Pulling out all the stops, aren't you?"

He chuckled, looking at the elegant storefront. It was higher-end, but it was known for its quietness, which was what he wanted.

He got out and opened her door. He held her hand as they headed inside and told the host he had a reservation, which made Nora look at him a little shocked.

"You have a reservation? When did you have time to do that?"

He smirked. "I have my ways."

She smiled, rolling her eyes as they were guided to a table on the back patio. A glass dome over them allowed no snow to enter, and a portable heater blasted over the space.

They each took a seat, and the host gave them menus.

"Your waiter will just be a few moments," she said before turning and heading back inside.

A set of lights flickered low, and Nora looked at him with a blush. "This place is so nice."

"I'm glad you like it," he said, reaching across the table. "I want you to have a nice dinner."

She blushed, wrapping her fingers around his. "Not that I don't like it, but why here? And why without Hannah?"

He rubbed his thumb over her skin, loving how smooth it was. There were a lot of things about Nora he liked. A list so long, he would go on forever trying to recite them all.

"We had a heart-to-heart last night, but we never got to talk about how we wanted to move forward."

Her eyes widened. "Oh."

A man walked up to the table, smiling at them. "Hello. I'm Charlie, and I'll be your waiter tonight. Can I get you started with drinks?"

"Water," he said, not taking his eyes from Nora.

Nora looked at the waiter. "Just water for me, please."

The waiter wrote it down and slipped back inside. Nora looked back at him.

"You were saying?" she said, leaning forward a little more.

He adjusted himself in his chair. He'd thought about what to say, but now that he had to speak, he was speechless. What did someone say in a moment like this?

He never wanted to lose her. He wanted to marry her and have children. He wanted to have a big family with her, and if that meant without being part of a pack, so be it.

He thought back to his phone calls. The elders asked him once more to come back. Before, he would have been flattered, but now he was unsure.

They wanted him to be the alpha again, but it wasn't that simple anymore.

"Nora, I never want to lose you. You mean the world to Hannah and me, and last night, you said you felt we were a family. So, I need to know if you'll marry me."

Her eyes widened. "What?"

He squeezed his hands around hers. "I love you. And I will give up anything to keep you. If that means leaving the pack for good, then so be it."

She shook her head. "I don't want you to do that."

He didn't understand, and Nora wet her lips. "I love you. I do, but I don't want you to leave something that you felt so passionate about before."

"They don't matter if I can't have you."
