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The sights, the sounds, and yes, the scents made the usually secretive and darkened lair dazzling in no time, giving it a joyful and homey atmosphere.

At dusk, the entire clan arrived at the ceremony. The elders and the members, young and old, were jubilant and excited for the mating celebration to begin. An official mating ceremony had not taken place since Hudson’s parents had been sealed, so anticipation wafted in the evening air.

All the elders lined up at the altar, shifted in unison, and began the official polar bear howls. Before taking a step, Nora glanced back to make sure all was well with her robe’s train. The heavy material swished along, glistening in the torch firelight.

Nora watched as the members stood and turned to see them arrive. Hand in hand, Hudson led her down the aisle, where several strides ahead, Hannah, now walking on her own, tossed wild rose petals.

When the couple reached the altar, the most senior elder began the rites.

Nora turned to Hudson one last time to be assured this was what he genuinely wanted. Her heart sang when she saw the excitement and pride on his face, signaling he was beyond thrilled to have Nora become his official mate.

“Drink the water your elders have cupped from the divine stream. Let it renew your spirits and join them as one.”

Nora sipped and watched as Hudson also did. The water was ice cold and so clear in the silver chalices.

“Hannah, will you lay the wild rose chains you have in your basket over your parents’ hands, signifying a familial line eternal?”

Hannah stepped up and wrapped the flower chains around Hudson’s and Nora’s hands. Up to this point, Nora had managed no tears. But seeing their little girl joining her new parents in an eternal unity was too much. Tears happily flowed.

“And now, your pledges, please. Nora, you first.”

Nora faced Hudson and with a love so deep, she began. “I, Nora, give unto you, Alpha Hudson, supreme leader of the polar bear clan, my body and my soul, from today until my dying breath. All that I have is yours. All that I have belongs to your clan. I shall be your love, your confidant, and your partner forevermore.”

“And now, Hudson, your pledge.”

“I, Hudson, supreme leader of the polar bear clan, give unto you, Nora, my heart and my soul. I will cherish and serve you as my mate from this day forward. All that I have, all that the clan possesses, is yours. I shall be your love, your confidant, and your partner forevermore.”

The elder committed their promise with the giving and receiving of rings and sealing the rite with incense flowing from a silver flask.

The elders, still in polar bear shift, howled once more, with the members howling, too, as Nora, now Hudson’s mate, took her man’s hand and glided back down the aisle, her spirit, if not her feet, floating on air.

The well-wishers cheered and threw rose petals in the air as Nora made her way down the aisle with Hudson. Her thoughts were all about the joyful day, the perfect man to whom she had been sealed.

I can’t believe this has happened. Me, a female human, in love and now mated to a shifter man. But I know in my heart I’ve found my place in this world. I can heal as a nurse in a realm where I belong and where I’m accepted.

A massive bonfire lit the area around the festive table, where everyone drank ceremonial wine and devoured the many traditional sealing dishes. Excited by her walking progress, Hannah insisted on serving the plates to Hudson and Nora by herself, proving to her new parents that all was indeed well.

“We are one, aren’t we?” Nora asked of her mate.

“We are, sweetheart. All three of us. Look at how happy you’ve made Hannah and me. You’ve healed Hannah’s wounds, and you’ve filled my heart with such joy. I assumed I would never find a mate. I had gone so long, never having one. Then you appeared, and I knew you were the one. I only hope Hannah and I give to you all the love and devotion you have shown us.”

Nora squeezed Hudson’s hand, fearing that if she tried to speak tears would flow.

The festive night and all its merriment went on into the late hours with joyful chatter and dancing. At the apex of the evening, a three-tiered, white ice cream cake in the shape of two polar bears embracing came out on a wooden board for the couple to cut and share. And below the two, a smaller bear cub hugged the hind legs of the pair.

A full moon hung over the party on the clear and starry night. And under the moonlight, the band played Nora’s favorite song for their official dance.

Hudson took her into his arms, and they swayed to the romantic tune. Hudson’s eyes, filled with love, looked straight into Nora’s. His intensity outshone her own, and she couldn’t help but smile.

“I adore you, you know?”

“I hope so.” Nora winked.

“No, sweetheart, I mean it. No matter what others say. Know this is the right choice for me and our family. You are my fated mate. I think you have been since I first laid my eyes on you. I spent a lot of time back then trying to deny my true feelings. What a waste of time.”

“I’d be lying if I didn’t confess the same. I merely assumed there was no way you’d accept me.”

“Because you are human?”

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