Page 41 of Shae’s Bounty

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After I’ve removedher mask, collar and clothes, I tuck Shae into our bed before I head to the cleanser. The obnoxiously large bath beckons me as I pass, with its curls of steam and floral scent that matches my female. But I close myself into the sonic cleanser instead.

A few moments later, I’m back in our room pulling on a clean set of clothes. Shae has rolled to her side and curled up into a ball. With her face relaxed in sleep, she looks even more beautiful. Relaxed and well fucked.

My breath stutters in my lungs when I recall the way she arched against me. How her tight cunt clamped down on my fingers and she cried out her pleasure. Fuck, I can’t wait to hear my name fall from those lush lips when I’m buried deep inside of her.

Except that’s not part of the plan, I remind myself as I turn away from her. My feet lead me across the room to the bar, where I pour myself a healthy glass of Todella-Vahva from a small bottle hidden in the back.

Neither was finger-fucking her in front of a room full of strangers, making her come so hard she passed out.

I tip the glass back, swallowing the expensive whiskey in one go with a shudder.

I refill the glass. Then again for a third time.

Fuck! I had no intention of touching Shae in the playroom. I snort softly through my nose and swallow down a fourth glass of potent spirits.

The glass hits the table with more force than I mean it to, and my head snaps to where Shae is still sleeping.

“So much for keeping a low profile,” I chastise myself as I drop into one of the plush chairs.

A soft knock at the door has my stomach clenching.

“Vittu, here we go,” I groan. Pushing myself up, I grab the torque and activate the holo-suit as I cross the room, angling my body so whoever is outside won’t be able to see inside. I ease the door open—and freeze.

“Are you going to let me in?” Raela asks after a moment. Her arms are folded across her chest again, and she has a haughty smirk curling the corners of her crimson-painted lips. My mind screams at me that I shouldn’t, that this could be a trap, and still, I step back so she can slip inside.

I don’t miss the way she purposely presses up against me as she squeezes past, pressing her breasts against my chest and looking up at me through her thick lashes. There was a time when this would have made me hard. When I would have clamped my hand around the back of her neck and forced her mouth to mine.

But now? Now, I step back and give her more space. Her touch makes my skin crawl in a very different way than it once did.

“What do you want?” I demand.

Raela shrugs, making her way over to the bar where she picks up my glass. She sniffs it and wrinkles her nose before choosing a new glass and carefully selecting a frosted bottle in the back, no doubt choosing something far more expensive than the harsh whiskey. Pouring a couple fingers’ worth of rose-colored liquid, she turns back to face me, her hip resting against the cabinet.

“It’s been a long time, Volethos.” She pouts her full lips. “I thought we could catch up?”

I mirror her, leaning against the wall with my arms folded, “Oh, now you want to catch up? What about all those years I searched for you after youfucking vanished?”

“I didn’t know,” she says. But I don’t miss the way her eyes dart to the side, avoiding mine.

“Bullshit!” I snap and when I take a step toward her, her amber eyes—eyes I used to love staring into while I fucked her—flare, and she stumbles back a step. “You may have fooled me once, but I’m no longer the naive Vesen you had by the balls.”

The smile that spreads across her lips is surprising. It’sgenuineand reminds me of a time long ago.

“What happened, Raela?” I ask, my voice going soft.

Her smile turns sad. “Even if I could tell you, I wouldn’t know where to start.”


She waves the untouched glass. “Don’t. Look, I came here for a reason. You need to leave.” Her amber eyes turn shrewd, and her tone drops low and serious. “Take your human and go. Right now, before it’s too late.”

“I can’t,” I say with a shake of my head.

She sighs, and her eyes drop to the glass in her hand before tipping it back and emptying it down her throat. “Look, Volethos, I need you to trust me about this. You shouldn’t be here.”

“Oh, so you expect me to trust you?” I laugh. “After everything, I’m just supposed to take yourword.”
