Page 51 of Shae’s Bounty

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Before I can reply, his fingers dig into my butt, and his purr changes to something deeper, more feral, a menacing growl that sends different shivers down my spine.

I start to ask him what’s wrong, but as soon as my eyes flutter open, I find myself face to face with a dick. A stranger’s dick.

“Open wide, female. Let us share you,” the stranger rasps. His hand is working over a stiff cock that has nothing on Volethos’s.

I blink my eyes wide because, thenerve of this dude!

Suddenly Raela appears, as if from thin air. Her hands go around the male’s shoulders, and she turns him away. Leaning into him, she says, “I don’t think they are looking for a partner to play with just now.”

The male tries to look back at me over his shoulder, his inky black eyes hungry. “The point of this is toshare,and they have only been flaunting themselves in front of everyone here,” he grumbles.

Raela, to her credit, manages to lead him away, despite his disinclination to be put off, finally managing to deposit him with another couple who are more than willing to accept him into their group. By the time she makes her way back over to us, Volethos has covered me as much as the silk strips can and is unlatching the last restraint from my wrist.

“Thank you,” I tell her at the same time Volethos growls menacingly at her.

To her credit, Raela isn’t rattled a bit by him and instead growls right back.

“If you don’t get a grip on yourself, you’re going to bring Kurrahstka down on you,” she warns. “There is already talk, rumors spreading about the mysterious couple and why they are only playing with themselves. You’re both being watched, and if it hasn’t already, soon it’ll get back to Kurrahstka.”

Volethos bares his teeth, but I know she’s right. As distracted as he makes me, even I can’t help noticing the looks turned our way.

Without any warning, Raela steps into me, so close our bodies are touching. When I try to step back, her arm circles my waist, holding me in place. Her cheek brushes against mine, and her flowery scent surrounds me. I can feel her breasts against mine, and her hand begins drawing lazy circles against the bared skin just above my ass.

“I want to help,” she whispers.

I’m confused at what she means byhelp.Until Volethos steps up behind me, pressing himself against my back so I’m sandwiched between them.

“How can we be sure we can trust you?” Volethos asks.

“Well,” her lips curl up in a seductive smile, “I would have already gone to Kurrahstka if I had any intention of doing so.”

“And how can we be sure you haven’t?” I whisper.

She leans down toward me, and before I quite realize what her intention is, she presses a soft kiss to my lips. “You’re still alive.”

I’ve never kissed a woman before.

I’ve had never had an interest in women. Not even a curiosity. And so, kissing one wasn’t something I expected tolike.Raela’s lips are… soft. Pillowy. Her soft feminine scent surrounds me,stirring mein a most unexpected way.

“Mmm,” she hums and dips down for another kiss. This time I’m more prepared. I meet her lips, and when her tongue teases at my bottom lip, I tease hers back.

Volethos’s hands tighten on my hips, and I don’t miss the soft rumbled growl. A warning? But for me or for Raela, I’m not sure.

“Let’s go someplace a bit more… private,” Raela whispers when she pulls back, and I’m surprised to find that I’m more than willing to follow her for the possibility of more.

“Only if you stop trying to seduce my female,” Volethos growls, pulling me away from Raela and into his arms. His swirling blue eyes flash gold through the hologram before he drops his hungry mouth to mine, obliterating Raela’s taste and replacing it with his.

She chuckles, her voice low and husky. “Afraid she might want me over you?”

“Hardly,” Volethos purrs. However, when Raela threads her fingers through mine and pulls me after her, he keeps an arm around me, not letting me fully leave his embrace.

Raela leads us into a dark corner, where a silver X is bolted to the wall, complete with restraints. Before I have a chance to object to whatever she might have in mind, she pulls me away from Volethos. Her hands cup the sides of my face, and her mouth captures mine in an urgent, hungry kiss.

My hands go to her chest, where I find her breasts soft and full beneath my palms with her nipples drawn up tight. She moans against my lips and presses into my touch. Fuck, I never thought I’d find this so hot.

Before I realize I’m moving, my back is pressed against something hard. Her hands slide from the sides of my face to circle my wrists. Then one, followed by the other, is lifted and pressed to the wall next to my head.

“Better watch out, Volethos,” she murmurs, her words followed by the soft click of a latch as my wrist is forced into a padded restraint. “Your female likes this.”
