Page 31 of Sasha’s Bounties

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It took quite a bit of patience and practice before I was able to take both of them at the same time, but it was worth it.

Reaching between my legs, I grab Vruk’s cock and line it up with my pussy.

“That’s my good girl,” he croons, as I slowly ease him inside of me.

The slow stretch sends gooseflesh racing over my skin and my head tilts back with a moan. God, he feels so incredible. Every time is like the first time. Amazing.

Behind me, Brettin lines up his cock with the tight pucker of my ass. I tense, but he’s gentle and slowly rocks himself inside me, until they are both buried to the root and I am stuffed full of their wonderful cocks.

Vruks hands circle my waist, and he sets a fast pace while Brettin’s hands tease my breasts, alternating his strokes until they are sawing in and out of me in tandem.

I’m beyond words. My body is awash in carnal, erotic pulses and waves as they edge me closer and closer to orgasm. When one of Brettin’s hands sneak down between my legs, to tease my aching clit, I know I’m done for.

Reaching behind me, I grab hold of one of Brettins horns while my other hand reaches for Vruks. When I’m gripping them with every ounce of strength I have, we detonate.

* * *

After I’ve showeredand dressed, and my males have disappeared to start on the days work, I make my way downstairs to start making a big breakfast. My mates can really pack away the calories, especially after all the work they do around the farm durring the day and then fucking me into oblivion every night.

Our original plan to hide the fact that Brettin and Vruk were two different people, not to mention aliens, lasted less than a week. And it was my mama, of all people, who brought our charade crashing down. In her splintered mind, she caught on almost immediately that Brett and Vruk weren’t who we said they were and they were hiding even more.

When Daddy brought her to see us, she immediately asked where myboyswere. Then she’d stare right at Brettin, or Vruk, and ask where the other one was. That’s when everyone else started noticing their subtle differences as well.

So, with much trepidation, we came clean to my family. And amazingly enough everyone accepted my far-out tale. Well, my brothers took some convincing that I loved both of my alien males and they weren’t somehow brainwashing me, but eventually even they came around.

With one hand stirring the eggs the other rubs over my rounded bump.

Not long after I found out we were going to have a baby. I suppose I shouldn’t have been surprised. I mean, I wasn’t on birth control, and we’d been fucking like bunnies.

At first, I was terrified. What was I going to do? I couldn’t have this baby in a human hospital! And Vruk and Brettin are so much bigger than me, what if he or she was too big for me to birth? Turns out, their ship, which is safely hidden inside the barn, has amed-bot. A metal tube that reminds me of a hyperbaric chamber and works like an AI ER.

Once a month I’ve been using it to track my progress. Everything seems to be just fine, and our little girl is right on target with any other human baby. Just to be sure, we’ll use themed-botwhen I go into labor. With my sister, who is a vet, on standby. Although, in her words, “I don’t know shit about birthing actual kids!”

We also used the med-bot to see if it could help mama with her Alzheimer’s. Unfortunately, a lot of the damage had already been done and couldn’t be reversed, however it was able to stop the progression. So thanks to my alien mates and their technology, we’ll get many more years with her and we won’t have to slowly watch her deteriorate until she no longer knows who any of us are.

The sound of an engine, followed by a slamming door, brings my attention back to the eggs I’m almost burning. I quickly start scooping them into a bowl, before starting on the ham steaks.

I look over my shoulder when I hear the screen door slam and grin as Vruk pauses a moment to take in the sight of me standing at the stove. Wearing nothing but a pair of lacy sleep shorts and an oversized shirt.

“Mmm, smells amazing,” he growls as he strides across the kitchen and wraps his arms around me, cupping my rounded belly and resting his chin on my shoulder. “Will it be much longer?”

“No, I just need to finish warming these up.” I wave to the sizzling ham steaks. Then I wave the spatula at plates of eggs, pancakes, hashbrowns, bacon, and sausage I’ve already cooked. “Can you set those on the table and tell Brettin breakfast is ready?”

“Must I share?” Vruk growls teasingly into my ear. “Oh, and your father is here, too.”

Shoot! I totally forgot he was coming this morning to help the guys with the new combine. No matter. “There’s plenty here for him too. Make sure he comes in when you get Brettin.”

Vruk sets the table then kisses me soundly before hurrying out the door. I’m just sitting down in my spot when my mates and my father hurry in. I watch as they take turns at the sink and then gather around the table.

For a moment, my throat gets tight and my eyes prickle with tears, because this, right here, is exactly what I’ve always wanted. A big family to take care of, on the farm I was raised on.

Who knew I’d need to go to outer space to find it.

“What’s wrong, Sasha?” Brettin asks, sliding it beside me. His hands are cold from the water when he gently touches my face and then swipes a thumb under my eyes.

“Nothing’s wrong,” I assure him. “In fact, nothing could be more right.”

The end.

* * *
