Page 39 of Claimed By a Capo

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I fire at the goon closest to me, taking advantage of his engrossment with the game. The other one reacts quickly, reaching for a rifle on the chair, but I fire at him, too, knocking him to the ground before his hands can touch the gun.

A three-pointer coincides with my last shot. The spectators on the TV’s little speakers roar, and I feel a leap of joy at finally feeling even the most fleeting sense of victory. But it’s not over yet. I hurry over to Daniella and cut her loose, pulling the bag from her head. Her eyes look up at me weakly, and her breathing is shallow, but she’s alive.

“Are you okay?”

She smiles. “I am, now that you’re here.”

* * *


The evening breeze blows against my face, causing my dress to billow. Marcello is across the table from me, munching on pasta. It’s been two months since we destroyed Giorgio’s empire, and we’ve been having the time of our lives since then.

We’re at a restaurant in Milan, enjoying the good weather and the breathtaking views. Lights smatter the darkened countryside as stars flicker above. Everything I have seen here convinces me that the reputation this city has for its beauty is well earned.

Marcello offers me a drink and then takes it away from my lips just before I sip.

He wags his finger, pointing at my abdomen.

I roll my eyes and continue eating. We still haven’t agreed on a name.

“This place is so beautiful,” I murmur, looking out the window. “I’d always heard this place was gorgeous, but I never imagined it would be this amazing.”

“Yeah,” Marcello says softly, finishing his plate of pasta and pushing the it aside. “I’m happy you like it. Wait until we explore other places in Italy. You’ll get to see the real beauty of the country.”

“Can't wait to see it all,” I say.Even more exciting is the prospect of meeting Marcello’s parents once we get to Turin.

The waiter comes over to clear the dishes, and Marcello drops his gaze to his silver watch. A line of worry crosses his forehead. He seems preoccupied with something.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah,” he mutters. “I needed someone to deliver something, and he’s taken too long—Ah, look at that!”

I follow Marcello’s pointed finger and see bright lights erupting outside the window. There are wild sparks of red and green with a spiral of drones moving in between. The words within the sparks are words I have dreamed of but didn’t quite expect to jump at me in the middle of a summer vacation in the heart of italy.

Will you marry me, Daniella?

My eyes fill with tears, and my heart stutters. Marcello drops to his knees and reaches for a something in his pocket. Suddenly, in his hands is a white ring box. I cover my mouth with my palms, and a tiny crowd gathers around us. Cameras flash and people applaud.

“Daniella, I knew from the very first day I saw you that you were the only one for me. Every moment I’ve spent with you proves I’m right. I want you in my life forever, and I believe we will continue to create wonderful memories as we have done so far. Allow me to spend the rest of my life with you, my queen. Will you marry me?”

The tears roll down easily now. It’s impossible to hold them back, to fight the sheer awe and affection at his request.

“Si!” people chorus behind me.

I know what I want to say, but I’m too overwhelmed to express my feelings. Marcello holds on to the ring, searching my face for an answer.

I desperately start to nod as my words finally find me. “Yes, I'll marry you.”

A smile stretches his face. He slides the ring onto my finger and the moonlight above glints off it. I turn my finger left and right, admiring the jewel from every angle. Marcello gets to his feet and pulls me into a hug, then his lips find mine and explore freely. People cheer behind us.

“I love you, Daniella,” he says after we break the kiss.

“I love you, too,” I confess. “More than you can imagine.”

The great obstacle to our love was Giorgio. He’s out of the way, now. That life is long behind us. I’m ready to journey with Marcello on a train of love for the rest of eternity.

* * *
