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"I have no fucking idea," I snapped back. "I don't think your magic is working the way it should. Either you haven't tried everything or you're not trying hard enough."

What was it about her that always made me have the need to bite back? I was never able to walk away from an argument with her, even when the last thing I wanted to do was argue. Some days it was all I could do to resist slapping her silly. Right now, that would get us absolutely nowhere. And Jezalyn would be stuck in the middle of it, which she didn't deserve. What she saw in Hycanthe, I had no idea. Love was blind, I supposed. It was yet another example of the gods' humour.

"Khala—" Jezalyn said in warning.

"No," I said back. "You said yourself she gets stronger every time she tries. She had no trouble getting the magic she needed a moment ago with that fish."

"You're one to talk," Hycanthe said. "You only seem able to do what you want to do when you feel like it. That's what you're saying about me, isn't it?"

I sucked in a breath. I supposed I was.

"If we're going to get out of here, we need to get a handle on this. Both of us. Jezalyn doesn't think your magic is weak, and neither do I. Maybe we both have a problem with authority figures, and being told what to do. We need to get past that and learn."

"I don't think so," Jezalyn said. "In fact, it might be best not to show Dalyth what you can do. I think both of you know that, but you haven't realised it. Neither of you trust her. I can't blame you for that. She killed a bunch of priests and kidnapped us. That's not something a trustworthy person does. I think both of you have a block where she's concerned. I think you should keep having it."

I chewed my lip for a moment. "You're right. I definitely don't want to do big things in front of her. That wind was probably a bad idea."

"It's a really good thing she didn't see those fish then," Hycanthe said.

I winced. "She can't see them alive." I didn't want to kill the poor things twice. That seemed so unfair. All they were doing was trying to live their best fishy lives. I mean, this was no river or lake, but it was pleasant enough.

"We don't have a choice," Jezalyn said. "We need to get rid of them, but we can put them in the toilet and hope they reach the ocean."

"They might stand a chance then." I never thought I'd be standing in the Summer Court having a conversation about putting fish down the toilet. Ryze would have found it hilarious. Tavian too. As for Zared, he would have shook his head, snatched the fish out of the water, and let them die in his hand. Whatever it took to keep us safe.

I stood back while both women grabbed bowls and started chasing the fish around the pool. Under any other circumstances, it would have been hilarious. Right now, I had too many thoughts chasing themselves around my brain.

The memory of my mother. The fact I had memories at all. Most of all, the need to practice as much as I could away from Dalyth's gaze. The sooner I had a handle on things, the sooner we could get the fuck out of here.

I winced at the realisation I'd have to tell Tavian what Dalyth and Harel did to Zared. He was going to be as devastated as I was. If I didn't kill Dalyth, he probably would. I might let him do it.

The moment I thought about the Master of Assassins, I realised I felt him strongly through the bond. He was close. What the hells was he up to?



The nest dipped. Someone slid in beside me. A hand clamped down over my mouth, muffling my startled squeak.

"Shhh, it's me," Tavian whispered in my ear. He took his hand off my mouth.

"Fucking hells, you scared the crap out of me," I whispered. "How did you get in here?"

His teeth flashed white in the darkness. "Assassin training. No one saw me come in. If they did, they'd be dead right now. Ryze prefers I don't make a mess if I can help it. Sometimes I listen. Depends on my mood."

I noticed that about him. "Why are you here?" I asked.

He slid a hand down my cheek. "Why do you think? I was pissed Ryze let you come. Especially without telling Vayne and me. Vayne is pissed too."

"When is he not?" I asked.

Tavian chuckled. "Good point. But this time I thought he might punch Ryze in the face. He doesn't like people keeping secrets from him."

"I know the feeling," I said meaningfully.

He sighed, his breath brushing my cheek. "If I could have told you, I would have. I'll find a way to make it up to you." He sounded regretful but sincere. Clearly he was no happier with the situation than Vayne was. Than I was.

If he wanted to help, I could think of a couple of ways he could do that.
