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"No," Tavian admitted. "They may have changed your father's, but they wouldn't have changed your mother's. They couldn't."

I opened my eyes. "So she was fully aware they took me. What about my other siblings?"

"I saw no other files with your second name on them," Tavian said. "It's likely you were the only omega in the family."

"Lucky me," I said sarcastically.

"Yes, lucky you. Being an omega is the best. If you weren't one, we would never have met. You wouldn't have met any of us. You would have grown up looking human, never knowing what you really are."

"I would have grown up on the farm, growing corn and all that shit," I said. "Expected to marry some nice boy from another farm or the village. Have a bunch of babies, grow old and die."

"When you put it that way, that doesn't sound so bad," he said. He took the sheets of paper from my hand and looked over the rest of them. "Just notes on how you entered the temple and when you were expected to be moved to Havenmoor." He turned to the last page.

"Confirmation none of your siblings was an omega. Or an alpha for that matter. They tested them. Here are the dates and the results."

I glanced over. Frowned. "I think that's my mother's handwriting." The flowing script triggered a memory in the back of my mind. Nothing specific, just a general sense of having seen it before.

"Why didn't they change my father's memories before he ran away with her?" I asked. "Why not have him forget her before I was even born?"

"They might have left before anyone got the chance," Tavian reasoned. "Or they weren't doing things like that back then. They might have learned their lesson from that and started doing it afterwards."

"Maybe they didn't care," I said. "Maybe they just wanted my parents to be happy."

"That's possible," Tavian agreed. "Cavan might have seen how in love they were and decided to let them be together as long as they weren't in the Summer Court. He might not be a complete asshole after all."

I wanted to cling onto that theory. Not because I gave a shit whether Cavan was an asshole or not, but because I wanted my parents to be happy. I had to believe they were. That they gave me to the Temple for my own safety, because they loved me. Because they wanted what was best for me.

"How have you heard of my mother?" I asked.

"Like I said, it was a scandal. Fae and humans fucking isn't new, but a member of the Summer Court falling in love with one is a different story. Especially when she was supposed to be betrothed to Cavan."

I blinked a couple of times. "My mother was supposed to marry Cavan?"

"I believe their parents arranged it," Tavian said. "It might have been a relief to Cavan when she chose someone else. Although, he hasn't married yet. That was only about twenty years ago though. Practically yesterday by Fae standards."

"Either way, he let her leave with the man she loved," I said. Either Cavan really didn't want to marry her, or he loved her enough to let her go. That didn't seem like the act of a complete asshole to me.

"We could lie here all night and guess," Tavian said. He put the pages aside and blew out the candle. "Or we could make the most of the time we have. Are you ready to leave yet?"

I briefly told him about my magic and Hycanthe's. He laughed at Jezalyn's suggestion that we might have problems with authority figures.

"Me too, sweetheart, me too. I'm not gonna say I'm happy about you staying here longer, but I still want to make the most of our time." He slid a hand down my side and grabbed my ass.

"Does Ryze know you're here?" I asked.

"No. I'll tell him when I get back." He rolled me onto my back and knelt between my thighs. "I'm going to need you to be very, very quiet. Can you be a good girl and not scream when I make you come?"



His words sent white hot heat through me.

"What will you do if I can't?" I teased. I could, of course, I just wanted to know what he'd say.

He hummed softly. "Then I'll have to do this." He pulled something out of his pocket and pressed it between my lips. A strip of fabric. He lifted my head and tied it in place. "There, now you can't make a sound. Just in case."

He pulled something out of his other pocket, grabbed my wrists in one hand and started to tie a length of rope around them. He bound them firmly, but not too tight.
