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"If we were back in Lysarial, I'd leave you like that," he whispered. "I could have fun with you later or one of the others could when they happened to find you. But it's too risky here."

The idea of Ryze, Zared or Vayne walking into my room and finding me tied up, climbing on top of me and fucking me, made me warm all over again.

The idea of anyone else walking in and doing the same, was a bucket of ice cold water on my body. I didn't want to be that kind of vulnerable in a place like this.

Tavian untied my hands, then slipped the gag off my head. He shoved them both back into his pockets.

"For later. When we're both out of here."

I swallowed to get some moisture back into my mouth. "I can't wait. It shouldn't be long. Just few days. I haven't even started to figure out what Cavan wants with my sisters. Maybe I should stay for longer, until I do."

"The longer you're here, the less I like it," Tavian said. "I still might punch Ryze for letting you come here in the first place. He should have opened a portal and sent you and Zared back to Lysarial."

"Do you think we would have gone?" Thinking about Zared made me sad all over again. I couldn't afford to get lost in that right now. I had a job to do. No matter how much I cared about him, if we didn't figure this out, thousands may die. That was what I had to concentrate on now. That and getting my sisters out. The rest, I'd deal with later.

"Probably not," Tavian agreed. He pulled up his pants and fastened them.

I hunted around for mine and slipped them back on. "You think my mother still has family in the Summer Court?" I asked.

"Considering how long Fae live, it's highly likely," he said. "Why? Do you want a family reunion with them?"

I thought about that for a few moments. "If they didn't know I existed, it was because my mother didn't want them to. If they did know about me, none of them came to stop me from going to the Temple. None of them came to tell me what I was. Not that I remember anyway. I'd like to know where I came from, but…"

"That sounds like a ‘fuck them’ to me," Tavian said.

I snorted. "I guess it is. For now. A day may come when I want to know them. In the meantime, I can only imagine they endorse whatever Cavan is up to. That makes them the enemy. Potentially."

"Enemy until proved friend," Tavian said. "Sometimes that's the safest way to be when it comes to Fae. Otherwise you will wake up one morning with a sword through your heart."

"That doesn't sound like you'd wake up at all to me," I said. I remembered the fish, but for some reason I couldn't bring myself to tell him. I didn't know why. I trusted him, but something like that was— I don't know. The fewer people who knew about it the better. It seemed to me like a dangerous skill to have.

Of course, I was guessing about all of this. For all I knew, Dalyth brought people back from the dead on a daily basis. Or one of the other omegas. Or another Fae who could use magic.

I wanted to ask about it, but I didn't. I'd save those questions for Ryze.

"Good point," Tavian said. "You certainly wouldn't. Unless you count waking up in one of the hells. Since people only guess what they’re like, then who knows?"

"What do Fae think the hells are like?" I asked. In spite of worshiping, or pretending to worship, the gods, the priests and priestesses went into very little detail about what the hells entailed. Not much beyond ‘you don't want to end up there.’ Their ideal was to spend eternity on the palm of one of the gods.

I'd never given much thought as to what that actually meant. Presumably some poor deity couldn't close their hand because it was covered in souls.

"Eternity in a room full of strangers who don't like you for no apparent reason, no comfortable beds and no cake," he replied.

"Is that the Fae version of the hells, or yours?" I asked teasingly.

"Definitely mine," he said. "Although, in mine, you're not there either. Now I want to eat cake off your body. Can we do that when we get back home?"

"Sure," I said, although I wasn't sure if Lysarial was home. I didn't know where home was right now. How could I go back there and live my life without Zared? Without ever seeing him or hearing his voice? Without seeing him get angry, or watching him watch me crawl to him.

"I'm sorry I didn't try harder to get both of you back to the Winter Court," Tavian said. "I should throw you over my shoulder right now and get you out of here. Your sisters sound like they can take care of themselves."

"I'm not going yet," I said steadily. "There's more at stake than just me. But you should go. The sun will rise soon. If you're found here…"

He glanced at the window. "Fuck. You're right. I'd hide under your bed, but Ryze is going to want an update. You know what he's like."

I did know. Ryze would want every detail.

Tavian rolled over and kissed me. "I'll be back tonight, if I can. And the night after that. And every night until I can take you out of here."
