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"Don't put yourself at risk unless you have to," I said. "I'm fine here." More or less.

"If you've felt how your pussy feels around my cock, you'd know I have to," he said. "Besides which, it's my job as one of your packmates to keep you safe and I can't do that if I don't check up on you."

There was clearly no arguing with him, so I sighed softly. "Be careful, all right?"

"I'm always careful," he said, cocky as ever. "That's what makes me so good at what I do. I know how to avoid getting caught."

Those sounded like famous last words to me, but I hoped he was right. I didn't want to lose him too. Even though I wasn't exactly sure where home was right now, my attachment to him went beyond the bond. I was sure he felt the same way too. He hadn'tjustsnuck into fuck me, he was here because he cared. Because he couldn't stay away.

Andso he could fuck me.

"Will you tell Ryze about my mother?" I asked.

"Do you want me to?" He ran the pad of his thumb down my cheek.

"I think I'd rather tell him myself," I said slowly. If he was going to be angry about my connection to Cavan and the Summer Court, I wanted to see that on his face. I didn't want him to have enough time to compose himself and the perfect answer if he decided to reject me. He said he wouldn't lie to me again, but that didn't mean he wouldn't think up some half-truths to save my feelings or whatever his intention might be.

"I'll keep it to myself then," Tavian said. "It won't be long until you can tell him to his face. And Vayne."

It was too dark for him to see my grimace. I hadn't thought about telling Vayne. No doubt he'd be very forthcoming with his thoughts.

"Until later." Tavian gave me a long, lingering kiss on the mouth. Only the dipping of the bed indicated that he'd stood and slipped away, leaving me alone in the last hour of darkness before another sunrise.



"You went fuckingwhere?" Ryze snarled.

"To the Summer Palace to check on Khala," I repeated. "If you're worried about it, I did the rounds with my contacts first. They didn't have much to—"

"I don't give a shit about your contacts." He stalked away a few steps, then whirled around to face me. "You shouldn't have gone anywhere near the palace. In case you forgot, none of us are supposed to be in the city. If you were caught, there would have been repercussions for all of us. Including Khala. Do you think she'd last five minutes past them finding out we orchestrated them taking her? That, in spite of telling me to leave because she wanted to know about her parents, she's still working with us."

"She’s still working with us?" Vayne asked. He shook his head, visibly confused and more than slightly frustrated.

"Of course she is," I replied easily. "This is a chance for her to learn about herself and her magic, but she's still ours. She hasn't found out what Cavan wants with the omegas yet. Hopefully soon."

That was the easy part out of the way. Now for the hard part.

I took a moment, then told them about Zared.

"Shit," Ryze said softly. "That wasn't supposed to happen. We had someone in place—"

"They weren't able to act quickly enough," I said. "Thank the gods they didn't kill him."

"That was a very real, potential possibility," Ryze said. "They both knew that. Zared was willing to take the risk for her."

"Yes, and look where that got him." I flopped down into a chair. "It was a calculated risk, but that doesn't make it suck any less."

"No, it doesn't," Ryze agreed. "How is she doing? Honestly. Is she all right?" He looked as though he might open a portal then and there to go and get her. Only the fact he’d never been to the atrium stopped him. There wasn't anywhere he could portal to that wouldn't be full of Summer Court guards. He'd kill his way through if he had to, but that was a last resort.

"She was fine when I left her." I couldn't help looking smug.

"You fucking didn't," Vayne said, scowling at me. "Bad enough that you went there at all. I can almost commend you for sneaking in to check on her, but going in to fuck her?"

"Would you believe it just happened?" I asked.

"No," they both said together.
