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"We know you too well for that," Ryze said with a half smile. His annoyance wasn't completely gone, but it had cooled.

"Disappointed I didn't stick around to fuck you?" I teased.

His only response was to raise an eyebrow. He wasn't given to overt displays of affection or deep and meaningful conversations about personal emotions. Some days that left me not knowing where I stood with him. I knew he cared about me. It went beyond the occasional fuck, but I didn't know how far beyond. He was so busy being High Lord, it wouldn't surprise me if he didn't take the time to think about it. Whatever happened, happened and he rolled with it.

And me, I tried not to be pushy. With Khala in the picture, things were even more complicated, but in the best way. Like sugar in a cup of tea. Or the pleading look in someone's eye before I cut their throat.

"How much longer is she going to be in there?" Vayne asked.

"Not much longer." I broke eye contact with Ryze and turned to Vayne.

I told them what little I could, that I hadn't told them already.

"I don't like her being there," Ryze said. "I don't like either of you being in there. Hells, I don't like being there either. Cavan is a fucking snake."

"So is Harel," Wornar said from where he stood, leaning against the wall. His legs were crossed at his ankles, arms crossed over his chest.

He was handsome, but there was something about him I could never quite trust. I wasn’t sure what, just something not right. I didn’t turn my back on anyone but Ryze, Vayne, Zared and Khala, but him… I always had an extra half an eye on him.

"Now we've confirmed they're working together, I should get back to the Spring Court and let Thiron know." Wornar remained leaning against the wall.

"Knowing Thiron, he'd want more information than that," Ryze said. "What the fuck they're up to, for a start. Stick around. I have a feeling things are about to get interesting."

"Interesting in a way that might end up with us dead, or interesting in an entertaining way?" Wornar asked. "Because I know which one I'm interested in. I'd prefer not to end up dead."

"We figured that was the one you meant," Ryze told him. "As long as I've known you, you've never had a death wish. If you want to scurry back to the Spring Court, go ahead, but you know I'm right about Thiron. He'll want details."

Wornar uncrossed his legs and grimaced. "I hate to admit that you're right, but he would. What are we going to do about it then? The direct approach got us nowhere."

"Now it's time for the sneaky as fuck approach," Ryze said. "Which, incidentally, is one of my favourite approaches."

"Funny, mine too," I said. The shadows were one of my favourite places to be. Apart from snuggled in my nest, with someone I cared about around my cock. Or me around theirs. Priorities.

"You're definitely going to get me killed one of these days," Wornar said.

"I keep telling them the same thing," Vayne said. "Sometimes I think they have a bet going on about who they can get killed and how quickly. So far, we've both defied the odds. At some point, our luck is going to run out."

"That's what I'm afraid of," Wornar said, the side of his mouth pulled back.

"Isn't it better to die having a good time than live for a long time bored out of your mind?" Ryze asked.

"I'd rather have funanda long life," Vayne said with a grunt.

"And yet, you became a soldier," I pointed out.

"I know." Vayne sighed. "I should have gone into my family business, making pots and vases for rich Fae."

I closed my eyes and pretended to snore loudly. When I opened them again, it was to see Vayne give me a rude gesture with his middle finger.

I grinned.

"Admit it, you'd be bored out of your mind," I told him. "You'd take up pot throwing, just for something to do."

"I might take that up anyway. Care to be my target?"

"Thank you, but I think I'll pass," I said. "Can I suggest you keep it in mind if we go to war? A pot throwing regiment could be fun."

"We do that anyway," Vayne pointed out. "Pots of hot oil."
