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"A few hundred at least. This is why every now and again someone tries to overthrow one of them. Ryze is one of the better ones. Thiron too."

"Cavan doesn't seem as bad as you said," I said carefully.

Tavian's shoulder moved against mine when he shrugged. "I can't say I know him well. If what he said about his reasons for bringing the omegas here is truthful, maybe he's not. He's certainly good to look at." He glanced over at the golden haired High Lord and sighed.

I couldn't deny that.

Cavan and Ryze looked like night and day sitting at the same table. Ryze all in black with dark hair, Cavan in light coloured clothes and blonde. Both were undeniably attractive.

Vayne too, although he scowled at everyone. He looked about ready to tell them all to shut the fuck up and take over the meeting.

"What would Ryze think if he heard you say that?" I asked.

"Are you really asking what he'd think if he knew you were thinking it?" Tavian's fingers grazed lightly over my hip. "I've noticed the way you and Cavan glance at each other. Ryze and I, we worry about you because neither of us want you to get hurt. I'm not saying we're not the possessive type, because we are, but if an omega wants someone in her pack, then who are we to deny her that?"

"Even though Ryze hates his guts?" I asked.

"Maybe it's past time they put their shit behind them. Failing that, at least things will be interesting." He laughed softly.

"And by interesting do you mean them trying to kill each other any chance they get?" I winced. The pair seemed determined to stab each other with words right now.

"That won't be boring, will it?" His smile widened.

"Is this one of those, 'when you've lived as long as we have you'll do anything for entertainment,' things?" I asked. "Because I might start to think all Fae are a little bit out of their minds."

"Only a little bit?" he teased. "Sweetheart, most of us were a little bit out of our minds two centuries ago. We're a long way past that now."

I exhaled softly. "I didn't want to be the one to say it, but now you mention it…"

He chuckled. "It's part of our charm."

"I suppose it gives me something to look forward to," I said. "Being so bored I hope someone will stab someone else. I'm surprised you're not more excited at the prospect of an invasion. That would certainly break the monotony."

"That's going to the other extreme," he said. "Too much stimulation. The occasional fight is enough."

"You can't be serious?" Harel said loudly from his side of the conference table. His face was almost as red as his hair. "There's no such thing as either of those courts. Why do you insist on perpetuating this ridiculousness?"

I wasn't sure who his words were directed at, specifically. He seemed to be looking at Ryze and Cavan, and to some extent, Wornar. Vayne, he ignored altogether.

Vayne seemed more than happy with that arrangement. His scowl toward the High Lord of Autumn was deeper than it was for the rest.

"Go down to the barracks yourself," Cavan said evenly. "If you can tell me another way that building melted, I'd like to hear it."

"Along with a list of suggestions on how to prevent it from happening again," Ryze said. "Unless you deem it to be a random event, unlikely to ever occur again."

Harel looked less than pleased that both of them seemed to be ganging up on him.

"I didn't come here to be insulted." He glared at Ryze, then at Cavan. Then at Wornar for good measure.

"Didn't you?" Ryze asked. "Personally, I've always found this a good place to come to be insulted."

"I thought you came here to dispense insults." Cavan regarded Ryze from half-lidded eyes.

"That too," Ryze agreed. "You make it so easy."

Cavan smirked. "If we can get back to the matter at hand."

Ryze sat back and spread his hands. "To summarise, Harel doesn't believe a word you said. I believe somewhere between a quarter and a third of it, because I saw the building melt. There's definitely some shit going on. I have no idea what Wornar believes."
