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"I believe I have to hear you out and then take all of this back to my High Lord," Wornar said. "Thiron will tell me what to believe."

"It might save time to have him come here," Vayne suggested.

"He'll want me to make sure he's not wasting his time," Wornar said, slightly apologetic. "You don't think anything will happen in the next day or two?"

"I have no idea." Cavan looked frustrated. He clearly knew this would be difficult, but the others weren't making it any easier.

Ryze looked almost as frustrated. He’d seen the building melt, but to believe everything Cavan said after so many years of mistrust, miscommunication and the gods knew what else, evidently that was a stretch.

I knew he knew how to make a bridge and get over it. Apparently that was easier said than done.

"It could happen in the next minute," Cavan said. "No one foresaw what happened today."

"Except that woman from the Autumn Court." Ryze levelled an accusing look at Harel.

"Alleged woman," Harel snapped. "Did anyone else see her?"

Tavian's body stiffened slightly. I suspected no one noticed but me.

"Are you questioning the integrity of my Master of Assassins?" Ryze's tone was dangerous.

"I question the integrity of anyone who has ever shared your bed," Harel said scathingly.

"I was right," Ryze drawled. "You are here looking for omegas to fuck. Evidently the women of the Autumn Court have better taste than to share yours."

"He's not wrong," Tavian whispered in my ear. "Anyone can do better than him."

I bit my lip to keep from laughing, but I silently agreed with Tavian. Even in the middle of heat, I couldn't imagine choosing Harel.

Whether he heard us, or sensed we were talking about him, Harel turned and gave us both a dirty look.

"What are they doing here? Neither of them belong in this room."

"Tavian was a witness," Ryze said. "And I don't trust anyone outside this room with my omegas." His gaze settled on me and he offered me a faint smile.

"Khala was also a witness," Cavan said. He looked at Ryze like he wanted to start a whole new argument about whose omega I actually was.

"So they have answers as to what caused the so-called building melting? Otherwise I see no reason for their presence." Apparently my safety was of no concern to Harel.

Ironic, because I didn't give a fuck about his either.

"They might have insight you don't," Ryze said. "Especially in light of the fact you didn't see the building at all. Perhaps we should adjourn this conversation until he's done that. You never know, he might figure it all out for us." His tone was dripping with sarcasm.

Vayne snorted loudly.

Wornar grinned.

Cavan pressed his finger to his lip so hard the skin on both turned white. He was clearly struggling not to lose his shit.

I had to give him credit for not giving in and setting everyone else at the table on fire.

"I think it would be wise for you to look for yourself," Cavan told Harel. "I can take you there, if you prefer. I'm sure you wouldn't want to jeopardise the work we've put into building our alliance." There was definitely a thinly veiled threat in there.

Harel looked as though he was ready to stand up and stalk out. Instead, he sat back and crossed his arms over his chest.

"I will look at this building of yours. It may be I have the answers you seek. All of this conjecture about—" he waved his fingers dismissively, "—missing courts, may be all for nothing. I don't know about any of you, but I have better things to occupy my time with than myths and the kind of tales ignorant humans spread."

He looked around the table like they were doing nothing more than sharing a beer and bullshit stories.
