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"Yes, wouldn't want to waste your precious time, Harel," Ryze said. "Shall we go then?"

"There's no need for you to accompany us," Cavan told him. "I'm sure you also have better things to do."

"Not at all." Ryze smiled. "I'm sure Wornar would like to come too. Wouldn't you, Wornar?"

Ryze clearly had no intention of letting Harel or Cavan out of his sight.

"I should be there," Wornar agreed. "In case you find something I need to know about." Evidently he had the same intention as Ryze.

"All right then." Cavan rose. I couldn't tell if he was irritated or not. I presumed he was ready to do whatever it took to get the other High Lords to listen. He looked over at me and nodded.

"Khala, you can stay here." When he spoke, I felt the order to stay close to him lift from me. I hadn't realised how heavy it was until now.

"Khala would be safer with Tavian and Vayne," Ryze agreed.

"She can return to the atrium." Cavan's tone allowed no room for argument. "I don't trust that your men won't take her when we’re not here." He'd already explained that he wanted me to stay because of my magic, and the need to learn how to use it.

I suspected there was more to it than that. A lot more.

Ryze clearly thought so too. "There's no need for that. She won't be staying when I return to the Winter Court."

Cavan cut him a look. "That's her choice."

Ryze returned the look. "Really? Because I got the distinct impression you thought otherwise."

"Can we get this over with?" Harel snapped. "Argue over your whore later."

Wornar actually took a step back when every single eye in the room turned to Harel.

I slapped a hand down onto Tavian's when he twitched like he was going to reach for one of his knives.

Cavan and Ryze both looked ready to punch Harel in the face.

Vayne's face turned pink. For once, he didn't seem to have any words.

Me, on the other hand…

I stood, keeping a hand out behind me for Tavian to stay seated.

I walked towards the High Lord of Autumn, looked him in the eye and said, "Fuck you." While he spluttered, I added, "For the record, I wouldn't. Not if you were the last man in Jorius. Or Fraxius, for that matter."

"As if I'd touch a woman with human blood tainting her," he sneered. "Filth."

His eyes widened as a knife flew so close to his head it must have shaved a couple of hairs before it embedded in the wall behind him.



"Iwasn't aiming to hit you," Tavian growled. "Next time I fucking will."

Harel quivered with rage. He barely turned his head to glare at Ryze. "Are you going to stand there and let your Master of Assassins threaten me?"

Ryze looked back at him, the soul of innocence. "I didn't see or hear anything."

"Me either," Vayne said.

"I'm staying out of it," Wornar said. "For the record, I'm almost certain I didn't see anything."
