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Harel shrugged. "I have no further explanation. Unless you believe in dragons."

"Dragons are a myth," Ryze said wearily.

"So are the Court of Dreams and the Court of Shadows," Harel retorted. "At least a dragon would explain the excess heat. Maybe it wasn't a light in the sky. Maybe it was a flash of fiery breath." He smirked. "It's as likely to be true as any other bullshit you’ve mentioned so far."

Tavian was staring at Harel. When I managed to catch his eye, he responded with a quick hand signal. "Later."

I couldn't tell if Ryze noticed, he seemed occupied looking lazily at Harel with a raised eyebrow. He stayed that way for a minute or two, then turned to Cavan.

"Quite some time ago in my library back in Lysarial," he said slowly, reluctantly, "I saw a map. It made mention of the Court of Shadows."

Cavan stopped with his cup halfway to his lips and jerked upright. "A map?" He echoed.

"For fuck’s sake," Harel muttered. "More of this nonsense.

We all ignored him.

"I hadn't thought about it until now," Ryze lied. "It's vague at best. The general consensus was that it wasn't a map to a real place. In light of yesterday's happenings, perhaps I was mistaken in that assumption." Had he decided that they'd spend the rest of their days talking around in circles if he wasn't forthcoming about the maps?

"Perhaps you were," Cavan agreed. "This might be exactly what we need to find them. Can you bring the map here? Does it mention the Court of Dreams?" He was sitting forward eagerly, elbows on the smooth, mahogany table.

Ryze looked thoughtful. "There may be mention of the other court on another map. As I mentioned about the other one, it was vague. They may be no use at all, but I'd be more than happy to go and get them. On the condition Khala and any omega who wants to accompany her comes with me."

That spoke more volumes than the library contained about how he felt about me and helping my sisters. He was willing to share those maps in return for our safekeeping. I knew exactly how important those maps were to him. He'd kept their existence to himself for this long. I couldn't overstate how big a deal this was. To him, it would be like conceding a part of his court.

Cavan was visibly conflicted. He wanted to keep us here, but he needed to see that map.

"As long as they choose of their own free will," he said finally, as reluctantly as Ryze was to mention the maps. Another huge concession.

"If you're so concerned for their welfare, you're welcome to come with us," Ryze offered. "You're welcome to bring a few of your guards with you, in case you think this is an ambush."

Cavan clearly considered it might be. He thought quickly, then nodded. "I will accompany you. I'd like to see this map for myself."

"Excellent," Ryze said before turning to Harel. "Will you be joining us?"

"Hells no," Harel snapped. "It's long past time for me to return to my court. Send word when you're finished with this nonsense." He hastily finished his breakfast and stalked out of the room.

"If you'll excuse me, I have to take care of a couple of things before we leave." Cavan rose, nodded graciously and hurried out.

It wasn't until we were safely alone that Ryze turned to Tavian.



"All right, what was that? The moment Harel mentioned dragons, you twitched." Ryze lifted his chin and regarded Tavian.

"I did not," Tavian protested.

"Something certainly happened," I said. "Are you about to tell me dragons are real after all?"

"Dragons—" Ryze started.

"Are a myth," we both finished for him.

"What was up with you?" I levelled my gaze at Tavian.

"I don't know," he said slowly. "When the light flashed, I had the impression of something. I thought it was ash, but then it was snow. When I put my hand out, I could feel it. But it wasn't in Garial anymore. I was on a field. Somewhere I didn't recognise. In the middle of a battle. Something flew over my head. I saw wings. White and grey with feathers."
