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Instead he smiled and said, "I do say so."

"Do you have to take smug lessons to become High Lord?" I asked. "Or is it something you're born with?"

"It's a skill we hone over time," he said. "We can't be seen to lack confidence or no one will follow us."

"Confidence or arrogance?" I teased.

"Is there a difference?" He grabbed my wrist, pulled me to him and smacked my ass. "That's what you get for questioning your alpha."

"One of them." I twisted around until I was facing him.

He sighed. "Yes, one of them. If it wasn't for that bond, I'd talk you out of any desire to be with Ryze. I'm sure he's as happy to share you with me as I am sharing with him."

"According to Tavian, it's an alpha's job to make sure his omega is happy, regardless of what he has to do to achieve that. Even if that means sharing with someone you don't like. Maybe if you get to know each other…"

"Tavian is right," Cavan conceded. "Liking each other might be a stretch, but we may come to respect each other. In the end, we both want the same thing. A happy, content, satisfied omega. Especially satisfied." He kissed me lightly. "Come on. Let's have breakfast and say our goodbyes."

"Gladly." The sooner we were gone from here, the better.

"I slept very well," Cavan said, his words bringing me back to the present. "It must have been all the fine wine and company."

"Autumn Court wine is undeniably the best in Jorius or any of the human lands," Harel said.

He said nothing about the company.

"It's very drinkable," Cavan agreed. "I'm glad we were able to come to an understanding as well."

I forced myself not to glance at him. I kept my eyes down on my cereal and sweet tea and tried to contain my curiosity.

Understanding about what? What concessions had he given to Harel to buy me time to look for the key?

"It will be mutually beneficial," Harel said.

Either he didn't want to talk about it in front of me, or he enjoyed being cagey as hells. Maybe both. I'd ask Cavan about it when we left.

"It definitely will," Cavan agreed. "I can return to the Summer Court knowing our alliance is stronger than ever."

"And I can look forward to expanding my lands. For too long, we've been confined to this one corner, while the humans let their lands fall into ruin. It's past time for the Fae to return and rule as we should have been doing."

I almost choked on my mouthful. I coughed a couple of times while Cavan patted my back.

"Does the part-human whore object?" Harel seemed amused.

"Of course not," Cavan said smoothly. "She's Fae now, and knows better than to question her High Lord. Her food just went down the wrong hole for a moment."

Harel grunted and I could almost hear him thinking that I didn't have any wrong holes. All of mine were there for the taking. If not by him, then at least by whomever Cavan gave me to.

"Good," Harel said. "I’d hate to miss seeing the look on her face when the humans kneel to us."

Lucky for everyone, I had one hand in my lap. He couldn't see me curl it into a fist that I wanted to pound into his face. I struggled to keep my body from stiffening. Everything in me wanted to respond, but I couldn't.

I felt a surge of concern from Tavian through the bond. That was what kept me from losing my composure entirely. I sent back thoughts that I was fine.

I managed to take a calming breath and continue eating.

"You may get to see that yet." I felt Cavan's eyes on me, but I ignored them. He was definitely having way, way too much fun with this. I wouldn’t rule out using that fist again.

"She’s broken, but there are others like her who aren't," Cavan added. "Not to mention the humans themselves. I'm sure you'll enjoy toying with them."
