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"In the same way a child likes to play with a puppy," Harel said. "Humans are, after all, nothing more than animals."

"Of course." Cavan set his teacup down on the table. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to return to my court."

Evidently, it didn't matter that I wasn't finished. Of course it didn't. It was only a courtesy that I got any food in the first place.

Whatever, as long as we got out of here, I didn't care. I’d have a proper meal later, somewhere a long way from here.

When Cavan stood, I hurried to follow. I managed to avoid looking at Harel. There was no way he'd miss seeing the disgust on my face.

I bit my lip while we walked down the corridor towards the courtyard that led out into the city.

"Don't say anything, we're still being watched," Cavan said, his hand around my upper arm. "Something is wrong."

It certainly was, but I managed to contain myself for a while longer.

I thought we'd portal out from the courtyard, but we kept walking out into the city.

"He put wards in place to stop me from opening a portal," Cavan said in my ear. Anyone overhearing, would have assumed he was growling at me.

"You, or anyone?" I asked.

Hopefully I managed to look like I was scared of him. Truthfully I was scared, because his tone put me on edge. We'd come this far. Being stopped now would be frustrating as hells. Not to mention potentially deadly.

"I don't know, the wards feel strange. I can't put my finger on it. It's not like anything I've felt before."

"Should we get inside somewhere?" I asked.

He glanced at me, then nodded. He all but pulled me over to a tall inn, and through the front door. He pushed me over towards a table, then turned to look out the window, firmly putting himself between me and anything out there.

"Do you see anything?" I stood behind him and ignored the stares of the patrons eating breakfast.

He shook his head slightly. "Nothing, but it still feels wrong. I don't think it's autumn magic doing that. Don't use any of your own. In case they're looking for it."

I didn't need to ask who ‘they’ were. If this was something new to him, then chances were it was related to one of the lost courts.

"They don't want us leaving with the key," I whispered.

"That would be my guess," he said. "Either Illaria told them, or someone else did. The map in Havenmoor wouldn't tell you anything unless you already knew."

"Who else knows?" I asked. "You, Ryze, Harel, Illaria. Tavian, Vayne and Zared."

"Ryze's designated heir, Johah," Cavan said softly. "I don't have one. And then only Thiron and—"

"His heir, Wornar," I said as Wornar stepped through the crowds out on the street, and moved towards the inn.

"And him," Cavan agreed.

"Fuck," I said softly.

"Potentially," Cavan agreed.

"If he betrayed us, can I rip his head off?" I asked.

"Certainly, but wait for my go-ahead. This might not be what we think it is."

"Excuse me if I don't take that bet," I said dryly.

Wornar stepped through the door to the inn and nodded at us.
