Page 13 of Ruin

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Please, Sir. Could you show me your dragon? No, not the one hidden in your trousers. The one that can maim and kill. Why? Oh, I’d like to pat him. Maybe ride him if we ended up on good terms.

Yeah, no.

I walked into the club and held out my wrist for the lime-green band I knew Damon would have left for me. But the girl with the snake tattoo on her hand at the desk shook her head and pointed me toward the bar. Frowning, I turned in the direction she pointed. Movement at my side drew my attention, and I caught the eye of the silver fox opposite who always loitered near the door, checking each incoming clubgoer with a sharp eye.

I didn’t know the staff in this place and thought he might have been a floor or bar manager. My experience was limited to Damon’s clever fingers and smooth touch for now.

The silver fox shrugged, his chest compressed inside a massive waistcoat embroidered with purple lilies on silver vines. I raised an eyebrow; the man clearly had taste. His gaze traveled over my body in a cold assessment as he took me in, his head of silver-shot dark hair tilted to one side.

I took the dismissal with no small degree of relief. Clutching my purse over the front of the sheer black dress that was closer to a negligee than outdoor attire, I headed toward the bar, glancing neither left nor right as I crossed through the crowd to where Damon would be waiting for me.

But when I got to the bar a single seat sat empty and a key decorated the benchtop beside a shot of tequila and a slice of lime.

“You’re to have your drink and then go find him.” The dark-haired bartender prodded my shot a little closer. “I’m authorized to give you a second if you need it.”

I shook my head and quickly slammed the shot back, my other hand grasping for the key until sharp metal edges cut into my hand. “No. I don’t want to lose the sensation.”

Of pain or pleasure. I didn’t want to miss anything at all.

The Korean nodded slowly, his dark eyes lit with a sadistic sort of approval. A ghost of a smile curled his lips. “Then have a good night.”

I nodded, stumbling backward as I headed toward the stairs, though my feet tripped not from the tequila but from my haste. I slipped down the stairs, my kitten heels clacking too loudly in the close stairwell. Four doors stood closed before me, each lit with a little red light. I knew which room he had reserved for the night. I stepped forward, hesitating only slightly. He usually left the door ajar; I’d never actually had to use my key before.

Shrugging the change off as an oversight, I couldn’t ignore an uneasiness that bloomed low in my stomach. I slid the key into the lock and pushed the door open, already sensing that something was different about tonight.

As usual, the moment I entered the room, a glaring light hit my face, blinding me. I couldn’t see if Damon was in the room—hell, I wouldn’t have been able to see if one hundred people overpopulated the space. A reverent air filled the room, so I kept quiet.

I shivered, tugging gently at the ribbons on my wrist, and edged toward the center, taking my usual place. On any other night, Damon would remove my clothes and fold them. Then my arms would go up. The door would close and we would begin.

This felt nothing like what I’d come to expect from him. I reached the center of the room, squeezing my eyes shut against the blinding light. Trickles of tears ran down my cheeks. My cat emerged, showering spots over my skin. She hated that her night vision blared out. I had to agree.

Keeping my feet hip width apart, I reached up to offer my hands for the cuffs, but there was nothing there, nothing to grab onto. When his cool hands closed around my wrists, I yelped and then bit my lip.

Shit. I’m not supposed to make a sound.

Sometimes he was a challenge to keep up with; his rules shifted hot and cold with his mood.

“No cuffs for you tonight, Kiera. You’re dressed exactly as intended.” He drew my wrists to my sides and pressed my hands to the small of my back, interlocking my fingers. His breath brushed the curve of my shoulder as he licked a line along my throat. “Tonight’s rule is simple. Don’t move.”

My mouth hung open. Don’t move? What might seem simple, eventoosimple, was a deadly trap. I’d learned what sort of games Damon liked to play by now, and I had an inkling into the dark shadows in his mind. While I usually liked them, appreciated his creativity even, tonight felt like a test.

One I was scared to fail.

A whimper left my lips. I clamped them shut to prevent anything else falling out by accident.

Like my sanity.

The music of his laughter echoed around us, merging with my moan. I couldn’t work out if tonight would be about pain or pleasure, but I knew it wouldn’t be long before I found out.

“Feel free to scream or talk. Ask whatever questions you need tonight.” Damon circled warm fingers around my throat, slipping the straps of my dress off my shoulders, baring my breasts.

Cold air assailed me, a direct contrast to his warm caress. He banded one hard muscled arm across my chest, cradling the weight of my breast in his hand and tweaking the nipple until it hardened into a painful nub under his attention.

“I can ask you anything?” My pulse throbbed like a heartbeat between my legs.

“Whatever you like. You look beautiful in this. I knew you would.” He sucked on my neck until I thought my knees would fail.

Don’t move, huh?Asshole.In the nicest way, of course. Something swirled around my ankles, but I didn’t get time to process the odd sensation before he kicked my legs further apart.
