Page 18 of Ruin

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But every time I hurt, they put me back together just the way they liked and that made me happy.

Damon—I cracked one eye open enough to see his sweet smile—leaned over us. His mouth descended on mine in the gentlest of kisses. He wrapped his arms around me and laid his head between my breasts. His fingers stroked over my stomach. Blankets and pillows were piled around us, all creating a hot spot between our bodies.

At some point we would probably get overheated and start sweating all over each other. These men had ripped into my soul and, for some reason, discovered something they liked there. Their deception hurt when I worked it out, my mind still spinning as they continued their neverending torment of my body, but I came to appreciate who, and what, the twins were.

I could imagine the trust issues a pair of very wealthy surgeons might have in choosing a partner, when their tastes were so different yet so alike at the same time.

Someone’s leg slipped between mine. I stretched gently, tangled around each of them. Demon’s hand rested possessively across my collarbone, just below my throat, like a collar. Damon snuggled into me, his arms wrapped around my waist. A soft smile curled his lips as he slept.

I closed my eyes and let my boys hold me, more than happy to give them everything they wanted.

Anything, as long as they kept me, too.


Demon brushed his fingers across the damp strands of hair that clung to my cheeks after my shower. His look was as tender as I had ever seen from him, and my heart swelled at the thought that I pleased him.

“You really didn’t need to go through the whole pretense with me, you know. I would have accepted what you wanted from the start.” I kept my words gentle, unwilling to break the moment.

I still trembled from fucking them both, and I hoped every night felt like this from now on. My back twinged as I stepped into his space, and I winced. Okay, maybe not every night.

Demon’s eyes flared wide at the intrusion, but his hand settled on my lower back, right where I ached. His fingers rubbed there absently as he stared through me, as though looking into my soul.

“We needed a submissive who pleased both of us. That’s all.”

I swallowed. “That’s all? You want someone who can serve you both, you mean. And you have very different needs, by the way. Both of you.”

“We have abandonment issues,” Damon volunteered. “Past relationships haven’t ended … well.” A flame of hurt wreathed his dark brown eyes.

My heart lurched for him, for them both. Demon looked like he might object, while Damon slinked up to my side, sneaking a kiss to the side of my mouth.

But I had to ask, even though it might not be the best time. “You’re both doctors? Surgeons?”

Demon answered me, to my great surprise, while Damon looked away. “We studied together and created a life as one person. While we operate under our own names and licenses, the media fuck up our names often enough to maintain the perception we are one person. We kept it that way in public, for times like this and others where one doesn’t want to be present.”

I nodded in understanding as Damon pulled me to him and crushed my mouth beneath his. Whatever arrangement they had, it hurt him, and I was determined to offer some sort of balm to his pain.

When he pulled back, his head canted to one side as he watched me. “You’re perfect.”

I narrowed my eyes. “For who?”

He shrugged as if to say,isn’t that what we’re here to know?

I shook my head as the smallest frisson of fear rippled over me. Had I done something wrong or misread what I thought they needed?Ask your questions.Damon—I thought it was Damon—had told me that when the night started. I hadn’t even been able to think once he began teasing my body, and I’d wasted all that time. I could have found out exactly what each of them wanted. Was I supposed to choose just one of them, or one of them choose me?

The thought ripped at my heart. I didn’t want to have to make that choice. I wanted themboth, without reservation for their differing … eccentricities.

Before I could speak, Demon took control back, ignoring the glance his brother gave him. “Both of us. You have to be strong enough to take what both of us need from you. Of course.” He gave me a mocking smile, showing teeth that reminded me of our first meeting.

I don’t train brats.

Both of us. Of course.

Then his words registered, and my heart gave a leap. I let out a small squeak that left both of them laughing at me as I blushed, but I didn’t care. I could have jigged around the room—if my legs would support the cause, but I doubted it.

Cuddle now, dance later.

I’d wondered why we clashed so badly, then got on so well at our next meeting. The back and forth had been a beautiful mind fuck. I’d been looking for the connection I had with the other brother the whole time when I should have been working out what the man before me needed. But my body remembered Demon’s pain-filled orgasms all too well, and my heart the way I’d been a comfort for him in his darkest, lost hours, even though his sort of therapy hurt.

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