Page 88 of Cruel Paradise

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“Anyway, we should really—”

“How are my grandchildren?” Beatrice asks, cutting Emma off. “You didn’t bring them over last weekend like I asked. I had deviled eggs made especially for Jake.”

Emma’s fake smile curdles. “Who is Jake?”

Beatrice’s own smile falters, too. “Really, Emma?” Her eyes flick over to me self-consciously. “There’s no reason to be so rude.”

“I was just taken aback for a second because, the last time I checked, yourgrandson’sname isJosh.”

Barrett clears his throat. “For God’s sake, Emma. Your mother made a mistake. There’s no reason to be so defensive about it.”

Emma’s vein practically pops out of her forehead. It’s the most prominent I’ve ever seen it. Who knew there were two other people who pissed her off more than I did?

She glares at her mother. “And I’m not sure who you’re thinking of, butJoshhas never liked deviled eggs.”

Barrett's thick silver eyebrows knit together. “You’re in quite the mood today, young lady.”

I clear my throat. That’s about all I’m willing to put up with.

I look between Beatrice and Barrett. “Emma has a lot on her plate and not a whole lot of help.” My voice is cold as I give them the same venomous stare I offer to any idiot who dares strut into my office with an ego. And since this is a business lunch, that makes this space my office. “I’m sure, as the doting grandparents you so clearly are, you completely understand. Now, if you don’t mind, we have more work to do before we need to be back at the office.”

Emma swivels in my direction. She looks just as dumbfounded as her parents. I sit back down and reach for my glass of wine.

“Ahem!” Barrett puts his hand on his wife’s shoulder. “Come, Beatrice. If you’ll excuse us…”

They storm off to the opposite side of the restaurant while Emma just stands there, gawking after them.

“It’s gonna be hard for you to eat standing up,” I tell her.

Her gaze veers slowly to me. “I can’t believe you just…dismissed them.You just dismissed my parents.” She falls back into her seat. I’m trying to figure out if she’s pissed or not when she suddenly smiles in sheer amazement. “No one hasever done that before.”

I shrug, enjoying the awe in her eyes a little too much. “Not my first time.”

She snorts. “Oh, I know. I’ve been on the receiving end of the infamous Oryolov dismissal. I know it well.” She takes a deep breath and leans back, still shaking her head. “Of all the people to run into here…”

Barrett and Beatrice are out of sight now, but Emma hasn’t totally relaxed. The gently throbbing vein on her forehead is proof of that.

“So. You come from money.” I watch her squirm a little in her seat, but there’s no way we’re glossing over that bombshell.

She rolls her eyes. “I haven’t taken a cent from my parents since I graduated high school. And I don’t plan on starting now, either.”

“What about the kids?”

The vein throbs a little harder. “I was thinking of nothingbutthe kids when I turned down my parents’ offer to help. Beatrice and Barrett come with strings. They always have.”

I want her to tell me more, but she picks up her menu and becomes thoroughly absorbed in it.

And for the rest of lunch, that vein doesn’t go away.



I almost knock over an old lady in my rush to get to Bane. It doesn’t even matter at this point; I’m already an hour late. I glance at the dinged-up watch on my wrist and cringe.

Scratch that: one hour and seventeen minutes late.

“Sorry!” I yell at the old lady who I’m pretty sure flips me the bird as I run toward the silver skyscraper.
