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Bonbon just stared, followed by awoof!

“Why are you talking to that tiny dog?” Votan asked.

“He’s not a dog,” said Sky. “He’s a love-sucking demon. He lives here with Damien. Bonbon, where the fuck is Damien?”

“A demon?” Belch stepped back. “What the hell isitdoing here?”

“Thanks for ratting us out, Sky,” Bonbon snarled and then looked at Gorgonzolina. “Come on, sweetie. Let’s go get our things. Looks like we’re going to be locked up again. Damien is inside the trailer with the rage demon, by the way!” The two demons walked off.

“Guys, I’m sorry!” Sky said to Bonbon and Gorgonzolina. “I don’t know what’s going on.” Sky looked at the three very large men and then at the trailer. “Is someone going to do something?” Damien was probably inside fighting for his life.

They all scratched their heads.

“I can’t believe you people.” She looked at Willa. “What about you, witch? Can’t you help?”

“Guh!” Willa threaded her pink manicured nails through her hair. Were those highlights? “What’s there to do, Sky? My powers won’t work on such a beast.”

Beast.The word clicked in Sky’s head. Beast was what Damien called his twin. “Is that what’s been living inside Damien this whole time? A rage demon?” Sky asked Willa.

“I don’t know,” Willa said like she definitely knew.

There was a loud crash inside the RV, followed by a deep roar.

“I’m going in.” Sky approached the door and opened it, sticking her head inside. “Damien! Ohmygod.”


MF had woken up just a few minutes after drinking from Maxton, hungrier than she’d ever been. Her throat burned, her skin felt cool, and her brain was on fire. She didn’t remember feeling this way the first time she turned, but of course, she’d been in a blind rage, panicking and alone that time.

She got up, scratching her head and rubbing her arms. She felt tingly all over, and her skin was supersensitive.

“Maxton?” She checked the bathroom, living room, and kitchen. He wasn’t here? Was this some sort of joke?

She sniffed the air, following the scent of fresh evil human, which led her to the closet door. She opened it and found Stewart standing there, still looking like a zombie.

Pinned to his shirt was a note:

MF, I saw an urgent message from Damien on your shiny rectangle, asking for your help. You were not ready to wake, so I have gone to assist him. I left you this large snack. Please be sure to save me a bite. I will return shortly.—Maxton

MF looked at the note again. She then went to the living room and grabbed her phone. Yep, there was an urgent text from Damien, saying to come to his house right away.

“Something’s not right.” Damien never signed off on his texts. And he certainly didn’t do it with the name “D-Dawg.”

She looked back toward the closet, her scorched throat screaming for relief. She needed to drink. “No, Maxton needs me more.”

She quickly dressed in her black leather pants, biker boots, and leather jacket. She grabbed her keys and bolted to her car, hitting the road like a bat out of hell. But, obviously, not a bat. A brand-spanking-new vampire with a bloodlust that could quickly turn into a crime scene if she didn’t hurry.

MF pulled up to Damien’s two-story mansion, which looked like a war zone with smoke, flashing lights, and water cannons. Police, several ambulances, and firetrucks circled the place. People were running away, screaming as fireballs launched from the upstairs windows, hitting the street.

“Mother of all the fucks. What’s going on?” MF pulled over and got out.




It sounded like someone was inside Damien’s house, lobbing grenades and crushing walls. Emergency crews were taking cover behind their vehicles.
