Page 24 of Begin Again

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The perfect family was what she’d thought he had. One in dreams and fairytales that kids would love to live.

All her dreams had to be jump-started and she wasn’t afraid of the hard work that came with that. The old bandages to keep the parts together and working enough to function.

When seven rolled around the next morning, she was punching out and walking to her car when her phone went off in her purse.

She didn’t check it much when she was on shift. There was no reason to. If someone needed her for an emergency they had a number to call to reach her. Carrying her cell phone in her pocket was just an excuse for it to get broken in her eyes though many employees did.

She was shocked to see the text from Christian saying: “morning and hope you had a good night at work.”

She found that funny. There wasn’t such a thing as a good night in the ER in her experience.

She texted him back quickly that it was a normal night and she couldn’t wait for her head to hit the pillow. She’d reach out later when she was up.

Liz hoped that didn’t sound needy, but he was the one that reached out first.

She drove home and parked in the garage. What a luxury that was to have.

She took a quick shower to get the germs off of her and then crawled in bed and hit her sound machine, her room nice and dark, the exhaustion of the night gone.

Whoever said there was no satisfaction in a good hard day of work never lived in her shoes.


Normal Dating Couple

Three weeks later, Christian was picking Liz up on Saturday afternoon. He’d wanted to actually take her out on a real date rather than just always hanging out at each other’s house.

“You look nice,” he said. She had jeans on and a T-shirt that was loose on the top but tucked into the front and sort of hanging out the back. He could see how toned her arms were and found out that she lifted weights for exercise.

Prior to her move into her house, she had a gym membership and worked out before she went home after her shifts.

Since she owned her house, she’d stopped the gym membership and bought a home gym and put it in one of the spare bedrooms. He hadn’t been upstairs since that one time and had no clue until she’d told him.

They didn’t see much of each other during the week. She’d been going in early to cover some mid shifts and said she liked the overtime.

It’s not like he’d ever tell her not to take all those extra shifts and she still had Saturdays off, though she did work Friday night two weeks ago.

He had a lot to do too and finally got this house ready to put on the market. It went live yesterday and he had two showings today.

Too bad he had nowhere to go and was going to end up in one of the apartments that his family owned.

It was not the first time he had to do it and didn’t care all that much. He’d put what he had to in storage if need be, but he wasn’t going to rush and buy just any old house so he had a place to crash.

That didn’t make financial sense in his mind.

Just because he came from and had money didn’t mean he it took it for granted.

“Thanks,” she said. “This is going to be fun today. What made you think of it?” She moved to get in his truck.

“Doesn’t every woman want to see a castle?” he asked.

“I guess as a little girl I did. I long since gave up thinking a prince was going to come save me in one though.”

She was laughing when she said it, but he didn’t think there was much humor behind her words.

It wasn’t the first time she’d made a comment like that.

At some point, he’d like to know more about her.
