Page 25 of Begin Again

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He’d like to tell people he was seeing her too, but so far they hadn’t done much more than have a few dinner dates and not even discuss making this public.

Today was the first date they’d be around people and they were going to Hudson, an hour away. Chances are they wouldn’t see anyone they knew.

“I was trying to find something to do,” he said. “We don’t always have to cook for each other. It’s nice to get out of the house. But if you don’t want to do this, we can do something else.”

“I’m sorry,” she said. “I think it’s a great idea. I’ve always wanted to go. At least as a kid. You’re right. At some point I think every child wants to be a princess or prince.”

“Or a knight,” he said. “Lots of boys want to be the knight.”

“That’s more like it,” she said. “I guess thinking back if I had to choose, I would have chosen to be a knight too.”

They went to his truck and got in. “So, is this thing we’ve got a secret?”

“What?” she asked, turning to look at him. “What do you mean?”

“We’ve been seeing each other for three weeks now. Dating. At least that is the word that I’m using. I’m not seeing anyone else. Not sure if you are, as we haven’t talked about it. I’m doing that now.”

She started to laugh at him. “Christian, you are the first date I’ve had in almost seven years. The last date I had was my ex-husband. No one since him. Not one date since I moved here. I haven’t wanted to even try.”

This was news to him. Which also meant she hadn’t had sex in a while either. That could be another thing holding her back, yet when they kissed she sure the hell acted as if she wanted more.

“I understand if I’m a rebound and you’re skittish. You don’t talk about things much.”

“First off, there is no rebound a year out,” she said. “But yes, I’m skittish. I didn’t have a great marriage. The divorce, that was simple and fast.”

“Not something you want to talk about,” he said.

“No. It serves no purpose right now,” she said. “But Abby knows I’ve been seeing you.”

“Oh,” he said. “You never said anything.”

“I didn’t think I had to. It was never my intention that no one was supposed to know.”

He felt like a fool. “Does your father know?”

“No,” she said. “Not that I’m hiding it from him. It just hasn’t come up. He isn’t one to ask if I’m seeing someone and I’m not one to volunteer it. And I’ve been working a lot and have things to do in the house. It’s not as if we spend a lot of time together. Is that a problem? I suppose I need to know what you are looking for.”

This wasn’t turning out any way that he thought it would.

“I’m not sure what I’m looking for,” he said. “We haven’t talked about us once. I would just like to think of us as a normal couple dating. We go out and do things. People know.”

“People do know in my life,” she said, grinning. “It seems in your life they don’t know.”

She had him there. “I never told anyone you were my first,” he said. “Did you tell anyone?”

He saw her face get red. “Just Abby,” she said. “Which I wish I didn’t.”

“She was like what, ten or something back then?” he asked.

“Close your mouth before a fly pops in it,” she said, laughing. “No, I didn’t tell her then. It was years later when she was around sixteen. It’s not like our mother was around and she needed someone to talk to. She asked when my first time was and with who. I told her.”

“Oh,” he said.

“You never told anyone we were each other’s first?”

“No,” he said. “I’m not that way. I mean it’s not like when we broke up we weren’t still friends. We talked now and again when we saw each other.”

He wasn’t even sure why they split, thinking back, other than it was just what kids did at that age.
