Page 82 of Begin Again

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She’d never forget that or take him or his family or the family in this room for granted again.

“You did a great job with us,” Abby said. “Right, Liz?”

“The best,” she said. “And don’t ever think otherwise. I’m telling you everything now because I’m sick of secrets. I’m sick of hiding what I went through. If you knew when I came home a year ago, I think you would have babied me. Now you can see I’m fine. I really am.”

“You are much stronger than you were when you came back. Healthier looking on the inside and out.”

“Thank you,” she said. “What I do now in my life is for me and those I love. I’m not letting anyone else make me feel less than I am ever again.”

She’d turned her head to look at Abby and noticed the tears in her sister’s eyes. She wasn’t sure what was going on and hoped to find out.

That came two hours later when her father left and Abby hung back.

“Mom reached out again about two weeks ago.”

She sighed. “Why are you just telling me now? What did she say?”

“Not much,” Abby said. “She just said she loved me and was sorry. Then she hasn’t texted again. I think it was one of those prepaid phones. Every time I get a text it’s a different number.”

Liz knew there were shelters and homes that had those prepaid phones for clients. It most likely was the case.

“Do you know where she is?” she asked.

“No. I’m worried and am not sure why.”

“You know the moods Mom always had. There isn’t much we can do other than try to find her. And do you want that mess in your life again?”

“No,” Abby said. “I haven’t told Dad.”

“Don’t,” she said.

“It makes me feel bad not doing it. Especially after everything that happened tonight.”

“This is different,” she argued. “You heard him. He felt like he failed her and us. He doesn’t need that in his life again. They are divorced. He needs to move on. We need to move on. We’ve tried to help her and she doesn’t want it. She comes back into our lives and disrupts us and stresses us out. I’ve had enough stress this past year to last me a lifetime.”

“You’re right,” Abby said. “I just feel guilty.”

“Don’t. But tell me. Please. I want to know if you get another text or call from her.”

“I will,” Abby said. “I promise.”

Her sister left after that. Liz still had time before she had to leave for work and decided to text Christian and tell him the night went well and she’d talk to him tomorrow.

He’d take the hint not to call or bug her and she appreciated that.

But mentally she was exhausted and needed to push it behind her so she could do her job tonight and not be distracted.


Be Content

Two months later, Christian walked into Evan’s house for Thanksgiving. With everyone being in relationships the holidays were all split.

Kaelyn and Harris were going to Sarah and Caden’s house where Sarah was cooking for Caden’s family that were in town along with Sarah’s parents.

Parker was cooking for her brothers and their families and since that left his parents and him on their own, they were invited to Parker’s too.

He would have loved to spend it with Liz, but she had to work. She was sleeping right now, as it was only noon. Parker planned on eating around three, and Liz would get up at five most times. There was no way he wanted her to cut her sleep short if she didn’t want to.
