Page 83 of Begin Again

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He got the feeling she would prefer not to have the big holiday event on top of it. She’d said her father and sister were going out to eat.

“Hey,” he said, moving to the back of the house where most were gathering.

“Is Liz going to try to stop over?” his mother asked.

“No. She won’t get up until five. I’ll bring her some food if you guys don’t mind.”

“Of course,” Parker said. “There will be plenty.”

“She’d appreciate it.” He helped himself to a beer and some snacks, then started to watch football with Jeremy and Marcus. Addison was at work but would be getting out soon. McKenna, he was told, was on her way with her father.

He knew Dan Preston. Everyone did. The guy was one of the most social people in Paradise Place.

It’d be a good day, he was positive. It’s just it wouldn’t be the holiday he wanted since he wasn’t with the woman he loved.

“How is the house coming?” his father asked.

“Not bad,” he said. “The kitchen is almost done.”

“Primary suite was first, right?” Evan asked.

“Always. I’ve been doing the kitchen in stages. The floors were good throughout, just had to refinish them and that took time. Once I started them in the kitchen I went through the whole downstairs. Still got another one and a half baths to do, the laundry room and the finished basement. The rest is just cosmetic. Actually, most of the house was that. I didn’t remove walls or anything.”

“So a fast flip?” Evan asked.

“Faster than most. I’d say within two months or so I might be able to start thinking about putting it on the market, but it will sell faster in the spring than the middle of the winter.”

“No reason to rush when your girlfriend is within walking distance,” Evan said.

“No,” he said. “And then I’ve got to find something else too.”

Which was always the hard part. He had his eyes open at all times or had Ruby looking, but there wasn’t much.

There was part of him that wanted to stop moving around so much too. Maybe he should consider finding a place and just staying put.

But in his mind, he saw things being serious with Liz, and if they continued, she wasn’t going to move. It’s not like he could invite himself into staying at her place either.

No reason to think of those things now or try to plan anything. They’d work themselves out like they always did in life.

He’d lived most of his life that way. Not a lot of plans other than the immediate future. Which meant a few weeks or months. Nothing much further out than that.

Christian didn’t like the feeling that he was planning for more because it was out of his control and more in Liz’s.

For someone that flew by the seat of his pants, he found he couldn’t right now. It didn’t even bother him more than the fact he really wanted to stop flying and plant his feet solid on the ground in one spot.

He’d been afraid to say that to her though.

They loved each other and that was about all he knew. He’d have to take it for now and be content even though he was struggling to feel that way right now.

“One of these days you’re going to get sick of moving so much,” his mother said, almost as if she’d read his mind.

He only grinned at her and drank his beer and focused on the game on the TV.

Hours later he arrived at Liz’s house.

“Hi,” she said. “Ooohhh, dinner. It smells good. Thanks for bringing it.”

“You’re welcome. Everyone missed you today. Parker said she would have held off and eaten later for you.”
