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They walked out of the little café the same way they’d walked in: side by side, with his steady hand resting possessively on the small of her back, guiding her through the throng of people. He didn’t take his hand off her back until they were outside in the carpark, directly in front of their vehicles. They stood there silently for just a moment, facing each other. Catherine’s heart pounded. The chemistry between them was undeniable as sparks flew back and forth.Just like it used to be, Catherine thought.

She gasped as Jason reached out and cupped her chin in his hand, slowly lowering his mouth to hers. His other arm snaked behind her back, tugging her in close as his lips pressed against hers. She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him back, softly at first then eagerly, hungrily, his lips crushing hers, bruising her, and she responded.

Jason’s lips were familiar. She still remembered the way he kissed—the way his fingers tangled in her hair as he held her close. The way his chapped lips felt rough but soft at the same time. And that thing he did with his tongue… it set sparks zapping through her.

The world disappeared. Nothing around them mattered. Only Jason was important: right now, this kiss.

Her breasts tightened, feeling heavier and a bit achy. Her pussy throbbed with need, her stomach clenched. Her mouth never left Jason’s. She pulled his head in closer and kissed him back harder.

The toot of a car horn out on the road made her jump, interrupting their kiss, and she pulled back, alarmed. She grinned up at him sheepishly.

“It’s been so long since I’ve done that,” she whispered.

“What, kissed? You haven’t lost your touch.”

Catherine shook her head. “Well, yes, but no, that wasn’t what I was meaning. Kissing in public.”

Jason winked. “Nobody can see us. It’s fine.”

“I don’t like crowds.” Catherine was adamant. “Ireallydon’t like crowds.”

The reality of kissing Jason in public quickly eclipsed the buzz she got from the kiss, and Catherine took a step back. She didn’t do this. She didn’t do crowds. She didn’t do public spaces—not anymore. People made her uncomfortable. Now she was anxious. Fearful. She preferred to hide away in her scungy flat than face people.

Jason was silent, but she could feel his eyes on her, looking her up and down, appraising her. Judging her?No, he’s not the judgemental type,Catherine reminded herself.He’s not Steve. Just relax. Breathe.

Discreetly, Catherine clenched her hands tightly, before flexing her fingers, taking a big breath, calming herself down.

“You’re still a good kisser, Catherine. You always could make me see stars; that hasn’t changed.” Jason touched her cheek gently, his eyes twinkling as he smiled. The unexpected compliment sent warmth to her core, chasing away the last of her discomfort. Obviously, the fact that she was broken didn’t bother him. Jason didn’t seem to mind that the old Catherine was gone. So far, he seemed fairly keen to get to know the new one. That knowledge made her smile.

“You’re not too bad yourself.”Not too badwas an understatement—her lips still tingled from being meshed with his, and butterflies still fluttered inside her. She couldn’t remember the last time a kiss had made her react that way.

“You want to come out to the farm for a bit?”

She did. She very much did. But instead of telling him that, she gave him a flirty smile, testing him.I don’t make threats I don’t intend to carry out, spoken in his deep, sexy tone, echoed in her head. Now was her opportunity to find that out for herself.

“Why would you want to spend time with a loser like me?”

For a second Jason just looked at her, flabbergasted, as if he was struggling to believe what she’d just said. Then he grinned and shook his head.

“Are you serious? We just had a conversation in this very carpark about you running yourself down. Remember?”

Catherine did remember; she remembered very well. But she feigned ignorance and shrugged instead.

Jason wrapped one arm around her waist and pulled her in close, ducking them in behind his big vehicle, shielding her from view with his body.

“I promised to spank you,” he reminded her. “You’re not a loser, Catherine. You’ve never been a loser.”

Catherine gulped. This was what she had been waiting for. At least, she thought it was. But now that it was about to happen, she wondered if maybe she’d made a mistake. She could feel the muscles in Jason’s arm flexing as he tugged her close, pressing his other hand between her shoulder blades, bending her over his arm.

“Old habits die hard,” she whispered. But it was a pitiful excuse, she knew.

“I’m serious about breaking you of it,” Jason told her. “I’m going to spank you each and every time I hear you put yourself down. You’re not a loser and I don’t want to hear those words out of your mouth again, okay?”

At Jason’s words, a shiver raced down her spine. His threat did wicked things to her insides, making her want to both behave to avoid his wrath, and misbehave so she could face his consequences, at the same time. She felt his hand flex where it rested against her hip. If she bit her lip any harder, her tooth would go through it.

“Yes, sir,” she whispered.

Jason didn’t say anything else. Instead of responding to her acquiescence with words, he raised his hand high and cracked it against her jeans-clad bottom once, twice, three times. There wasn’t a huge amount of power behind the swats—Catherine knew he was holding back most of his strength—but once the third swat fell the sting was starting to build, and she rose up on her toes to try to ease the burn. She bit back a yelp, reluctant to make any noise and draw attention to herself.
