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Jason patted her bottom again. “I like you calling meDaddywhen you’re being disciplined. I think that can be a rule from now on.”

“Yes, Daddy,” Catherine breathed. She sucked in a big gulp of air, desperately trying to calm the butterflies in her stomach and willing the flames dancing across her naked bottom to ease. The spot where the wooden spoon had last hit tingled and burned with a special kind of pain, a pain she hadn’t felt before, exactly. It was like she’d been branded with a red-hot poker after she’d sat on a hot stove or a nest of wasps. Letting go of Jason’s ankle with one hand, she reached back to rub the stinging spot.

“Nuh-uh, little girl,” Jason growled, catching her wrist. “Daddy means for this to sting. I know it’s sore, but you deserve this, you know you do. You let that sting sit right there.”

“But it hurts!” she whined, choking on a sob. “It hurts too much and I don’t like it!”

“You’re not meant to like it, baby girl. It’s a punishment.”

He held her wrist against the small of her back and rubbed circles over her bottom with his rough hand. His leathery palm was more scratchy than soothing on her tender skin and although she knew it was meant to be comforting, all it did was make her tense up.

“There was supposed to be six good smacks with that spoon,” Jason said. “But as you broke it, I’ll have to use my hand instead.”

Catherine twisted her head to look at him. “I didn’t break it!” she insisted. “That was your doing! But because you broke it, maybe it was the spoon’s way of telling you that I’ve had enough?”

Jason stopped rubbing circles and started squeezing her hot, swollen globes instead, too hard to be soothing. The squeezing was a punishment, she knew, albeit a subtle one.

“You haven’t had enough yet, little girl. Running from me like that and getting lost was very serious, and you need a very serious punishment. You’ve got quite a bit of punishment to go, yet.”

She wanted to refuse. She wanted to demand Jason stop right now and let her up, she wanted to tell him in no uncertain terms that she’d been spanked enough and he wasn’t doing it anymore. But at the same time, she knew it was exactly what she deserved. Jason’s face as he’d told her about Louise still haunted her. He still carried so much pain, and she knew she’d brought it all back. And she also knew, unless Jason punished her severely now, she was probably going to run again, in the future, and put him through all that again.

“I didn’t get lost!” Catherine insisted, turning back around to face the floor. Twisting around to look at Jason like that hurt her back and neck, and she was in enough pain already, she didn’t need to add more to it.

Jason scoffed.

“I didn’t!” she said again. “I got stuck! There’s a difference!”

Jason squeezed her bottom again, kneading her flesh roughly. “You’re proving my point, you know,” he admonished her. “As you’re still arguing with me, you clearly haven’t had enough punishment. So I’m going to spank you a bit more with my hand, and then you’re going to bend over the bed and I’m going to whip you thoroughly with my belt.”

Catherine gulped. Worded that way, it sounded terrifying.

“What if I need to stop?” she asked, nervous. “Because…”

“Then you raise your hand, just like we discussed,” Jason reminded her. “I can’t promise the punishment will end, but it will stop immediately.”

She felt Jason move slightly beneath her, then something hard, like a stick, pressed between her bottom cheeks, sending a zing of electricity through her.

“What is that?” she gasped, trying to ignore the pulsing of desire in her exposed pussy. Whatever it was, was doing wicked things to her insides as it pressed against her puckered rosebud.

“What’s left of the handle of the wooden spoon,” Jason replied. “Reach back and spread your cheeks for me.”

Shock, horror, and excitement spread through her as it dawned on her what Jason was intending to do. “Oh, no,” she said quietly, shaking her head. “Hell, no.”

“Yes. Do as you’re told.”

“No,” she whimpered, the excitement teasing her giving way to rising panic. “Please, no.”

“I was going to use it as a cane and stripe your bottom properly, but where it’s broken off means it’s too short for that. But it will be perfect to flick against the inside of your ass cheeks, and directly on this tight little asshole. I think it will sting nicely.”

“Noooooo!” Catherine’s protest was a long, drawn-out wail, but she knew she was going to obey him. Both the guilt festering inside her and the curiosity left her in no doubt that she was going to be a good little girl and do exactly what her daddy had said.

“Yes. This is a serious punishment, little girl. Very serious. Do as you’re told and spread your cheeks.”

“And you’ll stop if I raise my hand?” she questioned, trying her best to cooperate and quell the pang of panic within her.

“Of course.” Jason didn’t even hesitate in reassuring her. “I always keep my promises, baby girl.”

Tentatively, she squirmed around on Jason’s lap until she got herself into the right position to reach back with both hands and dug her fingertips into her hot bottom, spreading herself wide to his view, exposing herself completely to him. Making herself vulnerable in the most intimate way possible.
