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“You’re doing well, baby girl,” he said softly, trailing the tips of his fingers up and down her spine. “I’m going to use the spoon, now.”

“Noooo,” she whined.

“Yes.” Jason was firm. “This punishment is far from over, baby girl. In fact, it’s barely begun.”

Catherine wriggled, trying vainly to ease the sting in her butt, but it was futile. Jason hadn’t even used the spoon yet, and already she was hurting badly. But she wasn’t contrite. Not yet… She didn’t answer, and Jason didn’t push her for a response. Instead, she felt him move slightly as he reached back to pick up the wooden spoon from off the bed beside him. She trembled as he rested the cold wood on her burning, naked bottom.

“Are you ready?” Jason asked.

No! No, she wasn’t ready. She really, really wasn’t. But at the same time, she wasn’t going to stop this punishment, and she didn’t want to postpone the inevitable. Better to get it over and done with, she figured. So she took a deep breath, took a tighter grasp of Jason’s jeans, and nodded.

“Yes, Daddy.”

The wicked sting of the spoon as Jason lashed it down on her left butt cheek was worse than she had imagined it would be. It was so bad that it took her breath away at first, and when the fiery sting had settled in and she could breathe again, all she could do was gasp and squeak at the fierce pain.

It burned far more than she had expected. How could something so small inflict so much hurt? It felt like she’d sat on a hot stove and had a strip of skin flayed from her butt at the same time.

The spoon came down hard on her other cheek and she struggled to stay in place and not fight to escape. This was bad. So bad.

When the spoon landed on her left cheek again, just below the previous one, she couldn’t help but cry out in pain. Not just a little whimper, either, but a full-on shriek. She couldn’t take much more of this. It hurt too much.

Jason tipped her slightly further forward and lifted his right leg up slightly by going up onto his toes, which propped her bottom higher up into the air. Without a pause, he smacked that horrid spoon down six more times, all on her left butt cheek, from the very top of her bottom right down to the crease where her bottom met her thighs. Very methodically, without overlapping the smacks, he made the left side of her bottom feel like it was about to burst into flames.

“Ow!” Catherine shrieked, squirming frantically and kicking her legs, desperately trying to avoid any more of those awful swats. Tears burned the back of her eyes, and without a pause, Jason moved his attention to her right cheek.

Seven harsh smacks followed, landing hard and fast on her right cheek, spread out just the same as he’d done on the left. Burning fire blazed across her bottom and Catherine clenched every muscle in her body as she fought back the urge to scream. It took all her self-control to keep her hands where they were—gripping the legs of Jason’s jeans so tightly her fingers hurt. Everything in her wanted to let go, to raise her hand, to stop the punishment. But she knew she couldn’t. Not if she wanted atonement.

She was shaking. Her whole body was. She didn’t think she was capable of rational thought, or of focusing on anything other than the pain.

“Six more,” Jason said. “And they’re going to be hard. Really hard.”

Through her tears, Catherine gulped and whimpered. Really? Were these ones not hard? She shook her head.

“No. No,” she begged. “Stop. Please stop.”

Jason did stop, but only to rest his hand on her hot bottom, the wooden spoon held in his fist sticking out past her body and visible in her peripheral vision. She shuddered to see it.

“I’m nearly done with the spoon, baby girl,” he reassured her. “But I’m not finished yet.”

He repositioned her slightly, lowering his foot to the floor, shifting her a bit, then wrapping his arm around her waist, holding her in close to his body.

She stiffened as he touched the cold wood to her scorched bottom and she held her breath as she felt him lift it away.

Smack!The spoon came down so much harder than before, on the fullest part of her bottom, and she cried out in pain.

Smack!She didn’t think Jason was holding anything back as he spanked her, and she dissolved into sobs at the impact of the near-full-force whack.

Smack!Catherine cried out again, and her sobs nearly drowned out Jason’s muttered curse and the clatter as the broken wooden spoon skittered across the wooden floor, coming to rest near the roughhewn table a metre or so away from them.

“Well, damn,” Jason muttered, dropping what was left of the fierce spanking implement on the bed beside them. “Your butt broke the spoon. Now it looks like we’re going to owe these people a new wooden spoon, as well as a whole lot of money for the helicopter to rescue your disobedient ass.”

“I didn’t ask to be rescued!” Catherine insisted through her tears. “That was your doing! I was perfectly fine down in that hole all by myself that I couldn’t get out of.” She knew sassing Jason right now probably wasn’t wise, but she couldn’t help it.

Jason chuckled and patted her bottom firmly. A bit too firmly, because she bucked and squeaked.

“You don’t sound very contrite, little girl. You’ve got far too much sass for someone with a bright red bottom.”

“I am sorry, Daddy! I am!” she insisted, but even she knew there wasn’t much conviction in her voice.
