Page 12 of Escape from Amazdom

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"Not as impressive as you taking out Hark," she says, smirking as she approaches the cage. "How did you learn to fight like that?"

"Video games. Streetfighter, to be honest. Can you believe my favorite used to be Blanka?"

"From those moves, I can." She looks me up and down, and her pupils dilate. "Used to be? Does that mean you were human before?"

I want to open up and tell her the truth about what happened to me, about my life before Fej turned me into this beast, but I can't. Not yet, anyway.

"You'll find out soon enough."

"I hope so." Silence looms as she gets right up close. Then she focuses on my shoulders and gasps in shock. "Oh, my God, Champ. You must be in pain."

"Just a bit," I say, ignoring the torment shooting up my back. "I feel like I've been through ten rounds with Megatron, but I'll live," I reply, trying to downplay my injuries.

"Well, it's lucky I brought something to help with that," she says, pulling out a small jar of ointment. "Stole it on my way here. I'm getting pretty good at this sneaking around thing."

"You're becoming quite the expert," I say, admiring her resourcefulness.

She leans forward, and her scent gets thicker. I wish I could break the bars, yank her into my body and feel her supple human flesh rubbing against my hardness.

"Where does it hurt most?"

"Where do you think?" I say, glancing down towards my ever pulsing cock. Damn it, that wasn't supposed to come out like that. My dick thickens, and I try to stop smirking.

"It's not that type of healing ointment," she says, sighing playfully. "Is there anywhere else that needs attention?" She stares into my eyes, warning me against making a funny comment.

"My back is killing me."

"Turn around then."

She twirls her finger, and I spin around.

"Holy fuck, Champ," she says, gasping. "Your back is battered, bruised, and hacked up like an apprentice butcher's carving board."

"It can't be that bad."

"Trust me, it is. Now, come closer and let me see what I can do."

I lean backwards, closer to the bars, and she rubs a smooth ointment over my back. On a normal day, I'd scream from the stinging pain, but the sensation of Stella running her fingers across my body is much more infatuating. God, her touch feels so good, so tender and gentle.

As she tends my wounds, a sensation of comfort and safety takes over.

"Does it hurt?"

"I think it will for a while," I say, clearing my throat as my cock throbs in agony. "I really appreciate this, Stella. It's been lonely in this cage, you know."

"I bet," she says, sliding her hand down my side, sending a pulse of excitement between my legs. "It must be hard for such a charming monster like you chained up in a dump like this?"

"Charming, huh? I'll take that as a compliment."

"You should. It's not every day I meet a monster who's not trying to eat me."

I turn to face her.

"I can eat you if you like," I say, winking playfully.

"We'll see about that," she says, giggling, and the sound warms my heart. She nods for me to turn around. I smile and do as she commands, happy to oblige to her bossy manner.
