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I keep my eyes down as the guards lead me from the balcony. I don't want another slap for being happy that Champ survived.

Even though I know he will face more battles and endure more pain, I'm confident we can help each other to get out of this hell hole. Champ may have won a battle with his goodness, but the war for our freedom is far from over.

And that's why I have to do whatever I can to break back into his cage. I have to see him again, not only to heal his wounds, but to work out our master plan of escape.

Chapter 4



Two meat-head Zebos guards shove me into my quarters, and I almost crash on the floor, but my last burst of energy keeps me on my feet, eager to return to my monster.

Anger pumps around my veins, and my heart is still racing from the events at the gladiator ring, but when Liz, my best friend on Planet Amazdom, turns and paces towards me, a wave of relief rolls over my shoulders.

"Hi there," I say, waving as if I'd just returned from an all night drinking session with my buddies.

"Don't you, Hi there, me," she says, frowning as she approaches. Liz flicks her long brunette hair behind her shoulder like she's mad at me. "Where were you? I was worried sick!" Liz hugs me tightly, and I wince when she knocks my forearm, still aching from Hark's lash out.

"Careful," I say, grimacing.

"What the hell happened to you?" Liz looks down, and her eyes widen.

"Oh, it's just a scratch." I shrug my shoulders, trying to play it down, even if it still hurts like a bitch.

"That's more than a scratch." She lifts my arm to examine it closely. She's right; the wound is getting worse. "It looks like a beast has tried to slice your arm open."

"Well, technically, it did."

"Holy balls of Zebos," she says, leading me towards our bathroom. "Let's get you cleaned up. Meanwhile, I want to know what happened."

I must admit it feels good to have my friend helping. After that crazy ordeal, I could do with some relaxation time and mothering from Liz.

She pulls me to the corner of the room and cleans my forearm under a tap (running water is our only luxury in this damn prison). I wince as the pain rockets through my arm.

"The cut is deep, but it's not infected. How did you get into this mess?" She grabs a cloth from the side, rips it up, and ties it around my cut to ease the pain and bleeding.

"I got in trouble," I reply, cringing as she tightens the bandage. "That prick Tebos caught me stealing bread. My punishment was to feed the monsters."

"The monsters?" she says, holding a hand to her mouth. "You're lucky you're still alive! Those insane creatures are deadly."

I nod and smile as I remember Champ taking out Hark.

"True, but it turned out to be a blessing in disguise," I say in an upbeat tone.

"What do you mean?" she asks, tilting her head as she grins suspiciously. "Did you meet someone? Oh, God, you did, didn't you? Was he human, and hot?"

"I wouldn't say he was completely human, but he was definitely hot, in his own beastly way."

"Beastly way?" she asks, looking puzzled. "What are you talking about, Stella? Have you gone stark raving Zebonkers?"

I chuckle out loud and double check my forearm has stopped bleeding.

"Thanks for that," I say, nodding to my wound.

"Stop avoiding the question. What happened?"

"I met a monster named Champ."
