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He laughed. “Dad and Mom said the same thing.”

“I don’t know who’s more nervous today. Me about getting married, or Ryan about becoming a father any time now.”

Blayze followed my gaze. “They’re going to induce Morgan if she doesn’t go into labor by Tuesday. So perfect timing on the wedding, little brother. Georgiana did say Morgan was a little short the last few days.”

“She’s earned it. I still can’t believe our sister designed all the dresses.”

He nodded. “I know. Georgie said some designer from New York asked Morgan to design a wedding line. She declined. Said if she was going to do that, she’ll do her own damn line. And that was a direct quote.”

I laughed. “Sounds like our sister.”

When we walked over the hill, my breath caught. “Holy shit,” I whispered.

“Yeah. Aunt Kaylee can put a wedding together.”

All I could do was nod. A square timber arbor was set up at the end of the makeshift aisle with beautiful white and blue flowers wrapped all around it. The rows of seating were bales of hay with wood slats placed atop them. White twinkle lights were strung high over the seating area, from one tree to the other. Kipton had wanted to keep the wedding area simple but well lit since we were getting married at sunset.

I walked down the aisle, stopping a few times to greet friends and family, before I found myself standing at the arbor, waiting for the love of my life.

The music started, and I watched Nathan and Lily walk down the aisle, followed by Joshua and Avery. Ryan walked with a very pregnant Morgan, who looked beautiful, even if she was waddling. Then came Bradly, escorting Rose. And last was Blayze with Aspen.

Blayze bumped me on the arm as he took his place next to me and whispered, “She looks beautiful.”

All I could do was smile. Then the music changed, and everyone stood. My heart hammered so loud in my chest, it was the only thing I could hear.

Then she appeared before my eyes…the beautiful angel that she was. Dressed in a white lace gown with her hair pulled back into a ponytail, and wisps of curls blowing in the wind. She smiled at a few people as Gilbert began walking her down the aisle.

When her eyes met mine, I lost the battle to hold back my tears. “She is beautiful,” I whispered.

Blayze put his hand on my shoulder and squeezed.

And then there she was, standing in front of me, blinking back tears of her own. Something was said, her father turned and kissed her, then he placed her hand in mine, and she took the last step to stand next to me.

“My God, you steal the breath from my very lungs.”

She wiped a tear away. “You look so handsome.”

The preacher leaned in and softly asked, “Shall we begin?”

Kipton turned and handed her bouquet to Aspen, who was already crying.

I took Kipton’s hands in mine, and the rest of the ceremony seemed to go by in a flash. We recited our vows, exchanged rings, and before I knew it, it was time to kiss the bride.

Cupping her face in my hands, I leaned in to kiss her, but right before I did, I whispered, “Swipe right.”

Her eyes crinkled up as she laughed. “Kiss me, Hunter.”

“Anything for you, Mrs. Shaw.”

Our friends and family erupted into cheers, and when I drew back, I beamed at my wife.

Kipton and I faced everyone briefly, and when she turned to get her flowers from Aspen, she gasped. I glanced over to see what she was staring at.

Morgan was looking down, all the other bridesmaids looking down with her, before she finally glanced up and laughed. “My water just broke!”

Ryan appeared out of nowhere. “What?!” Turning to look at the crowd, he yelled, “I’m about to be a dad!”

All hell broke loose. Kipton turned to face me, looking utterly delighted at the interruption, and a wicked smile appeared on her face as we both whispered, “The guesthouse?”
