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“Watching you live your dream has been totally worth it,” I assure her.

“I want to face whatever challenges come at us together. I want to spend the rest of my life with you,” Winter whispers.

I let my fingers drift down her cheek. I have a feeling I know where this is going. “Funny, because I’ve been thinking the same thing.”

“I have something for you.” Winter grabs her toiletries bag from the nightstand. It’s where she keeps her birth control pills and extra condoms. Her hands are shaking as she turns back to me. “I know this defies convention, but that’s sort of how we roll.” She reveals a small, blue velvet box, but before she can flip it open, I cover her hand with mine.

“Hold one second, please.” I slide my hand under the pillow behind her and feel around for the box I tucked there earlier. I flip my hand palm up and show her the matching blue velvet box. “Looks like we’re on the same page again.”

Winter tweaks my nipple. “Are you stealing my thunder?”

I arch a brow. “Are you stealing mine?”

We laugh.

“I guess the sweaty palms are pretty pointless now, huh?”

“Seems like we’re both sure things.”

She grins. “Seems like.”

“It might be a bit archaic, but in this case, ladies first seems appropriate.”

“I had a whole speech prepared, and I can’t remember any of it now,” Winter admits.

“I’m planning to save mine for after we’ve made sweet, sweet love and you’re too orgasm-sated to be annoyed by how long and meandering it is.”

“Seems on brand.” She takes a deep breath. “I know we’re young, and we still have so much learning and growing to do, but you’re my ride or die, Randall. You’re the only person I want to experience this roller coaster called life with.” She flips open the box. Inside is a white gold ring with a single snowflake etched into the band. “Will you marry me?”

“Absolutely and without question, yes.” I flip open the box in my own palm to reveal a white gold band with tiny diamonds that form a snowflake pattern. “There is nothing and no one in this world that I love more, Winter. My heart belongs to you.”

“And mine belongs to you.”

We slip the bands on each other’s fingers and lace them together.

“Whatever you need,” I murmur.

“However you need it,” she whispers.

“I’ll give it to you,” we say together.

“Just you.”

She smiles and echoes, “Just you.”


She’s one of a kind.

My Snowflake.

My forever.

