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Anna did this to mess with me. I know she did. She’s mentioned plenty of times in the past that she can get any guy she wants, and she’s also commented to me that she thinks I’m too snobby because of my position with her dad. She says I need to be taken down a peg or two.

I’m sure she stole Eric to get at me for some perceived slight. What is she going to do with him now? Will she keep him or throw him away now that she’s won? I don’t know, and I don’t really want to find out. The thought makes me feel sick.

How am I going to get into the office and look anyone in the eye? Everyone knows that I was with Eric, and now he’s going to be walking around with Anna in his arm. Did anyone at the office see them together before now? If they did, why the hell didn’t they tell me about it? Did they ignore it because it was Anna Evans?

There are so many questions in my head, and they’re not going away. I feel nauseous thinking about how everyone has been taking me for a fool.

At least I know Mr. Evans is angry about it. I still remember his reaction, probably because of how his marriage ended. He doesn’t take kindly to cheaters, even if it’s his own daughter. He’s demonstrated that much.

Unless Anna’s manipulation is better than I expected, and she can get her dad on her side. If that happens, I’m going to be screwed. How am I supposed to do my job when my own boss isn’t on my side?

He’ll be on your side. Stop worrying about that part.

I can’t stop myself from thinking about the way my boss looked when he saw what his daughter was doing. I’ve seen him angry before, but I’m glad that I’ve never been in his crosshairs. Although, I must admit, he looks damn sexy when he’s angry.

Groaning, I roll onto my belly and fluff up the pillows before I try to lie down again. What is wrong with me? There is appreciating a good-looking guy, and then there is drooling over a man who is twenty years older than me. I shouldn’t, but I can’t help it. Then again, given how Mr. Joel Evans looks, he puts people my age to shame.

I feel weird at how my body heats up when thinking about my boss. He should be off-limits to me. My brain shouldn’t be filled with him.

Sleep isn't going to come easily to me. Not when my clock is telling me that it’s three-thirty in the morning. Grumbling, I get up, and promptly fall to the floor, my legs all tangled up in the duvet. The blanket I had put on top is firmly wrapped around my left leg.

Hoping that Clark didn’t hear me fall out of bed, I kick my legs free and scramble to my feet. Where is that composure that I have so easily at work? It’s like it disappears as soon as I leave the office.

I tiptoe into the living room and cross to the kitchen. Maybe if I have something to eat, it might do the trick and help me sleep. Or watch something boring on TV. Infomercials always help me fall asleep when I need it.

If it can wipe the images of Anna kissing Eric out of my head, I’ll be happy.

Opening the fridge, I stick my head inside. There’s plenty to eat, but I can’t bring myself to get anything out. It means I have to cook it, and I want something quick and simple that doesn’t require turning on the oven. Clark will hear, and he’ll coax me back to my room, no doubt. I don’t want him worrying about me.

But Clark is like that. He always worries about me. He promised Mom and Dad to look after me when we moved in together, as if everyone thought I’d be the one getting into trouble. I can take care of myself, and I’ve been proving it for years.

God, Mom and Dad. I have to tell them what’s happened. I’m not looking forward to it; they loved Eric. Mom thought he was perfect for me, and Dad approved. Telling them Eric cheated on me is going to devastate both.

On top of that, you’re still going to have to see him at work. Talk about awkward.

I find a half-open packet of chocolate chip cookies at the back of the cupboard, when I hear my phone buzzing away. It takes me a moment to remember that I’d left it charging on the counter, tucked away in the corner. I’m tempted to ignore it - after all, it can’t be good at this time of night - but curiosity draws me over. It could be Mr. Evans, for all I know. I need to answer it if it is.

Or it could be Anna, calling to taunt me. In all my shock and distress, I haven’t blocked her or Eric. Maybe I should do that now.

But it’s not either of them or is it my boss. Food momentarily forgotten, I answer.

“Natalie? What are you doing calling me at this time of night?”

My friend chuckles lightly. “I’m on my break at work. I thought you wouldn’t be sleeping right now, so I’d call and check how you are.”

It’s like she read my mind. “How did—?”

“You can’t sleep when you’re upset, and I was worried about you,” she interrupts. “Also, this is the first time all day that I’ve managed to get the time, sorry.”

It’s a little worrying that Natalie knows me well enough to know my sleep patterns. Surely, she’s got more important things to do—like her night shift and master’s degree—than be concerned about me. But I appreciate the thought. Natalie is sweet.

How she’s related to Anna, I have no idea, because the two of them are incredibly different. Natalie is sweet as anything, but she doesn’t suffer fools gladly. I’m sure she’ll rip Anna apart for what she did.

If only Anna cared of course.

Unplugging my phone from its charge, I lean against the counter. “I swear you never sleep. You seem to be available all the time.”

“You know I don’t need much,” Natalie says, sounding amused. “Not when I’ve got so much to do.”
