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“Hello, Megan Williams here.”

“Finally! I was beginning to think you’d fallen off the face of the earth, Megs.”

I freeze. I know that voice, and I wish I wasn’t hearing it now. “What do you want, Eric?”

“I wanted to talk to you,” he sounds so chirpy and casual, like he didn’t just break my heart. “You’ve blocked my number, so I’ve had to get another number to call you.”

I swallow down the anger bubbling inside of me. I won’t allow him to ruin this break. “You shouldn’t have bothered. This one’s getting blocked as well.”

“Wait!” Eric says hurriedly. “Please, let me talk. I’ve got something I need to say to you.”

Why are you still talking to him? Hang up!

But I can’t. Curiosity has me in its grip. “Unless it’s to say sorry, I’m not interested, Eric. So don’t waste my time.”

“It’s actually about something else,” he says. “And I’ll say it now, that I’m looking forward to seeing you at the wedding. It would be great if you could be there.”

I look at my phone, wondering if I heard him correctly. What did he mean by that?

“What are you talking about?” My ears are suddenly very warm.

“The wedding. My wedding to Anna,” Eric says, as if it’s the most normal thing in the world.

My heart sinks. He’s going to marry Anna.

“Are you kidding me? You asked Anna to marry you?” I’m using everything I have to keep my voice from shaking. I don’t want him to know just how affected I am by this news.

“Of course I did. It’s only natural that I would,” he replies.

“How the fuck does that work, Eric? You were with me until last week, remember?” I start pacing the room. “What are people going to say when you announce that you’re getting married to someone else? The overlap is really big.”

“Well, in reality, once I started dating Anna, you and I were done. I guess that makes you the side chick.” His tone is so unbothered, it’s hurtful.

I have never heard anything so ridiculous. I also didn’t think it was possible to get so angry so fast. It felt like I didn’t know the man I’d been dating for years. Not at all.

“Are you insane? If you wanted to date someone else, you should have broken up with me first!” Eric tries to say something, but I cut him off with, “You just wanted to have two women at the same time to feed your ego. And did you just call me, the woman you’ve been with for years, your side chick? Do you want to try that logic with other people?”

“Megan…” Eric sounds like he’s talking to a child. “You really don’t know how things work, do you?”

How did I date this guy for so long? He sounds like he’s got a few screws loose.

“Oh, trust me, I know how things work,” I laugh bitterly. “And nobody is going to believe your stupid reasoning. We were a couple, and you cheated on me with my boss’ daughter!Yourboss’ daughter. Aside from the fact you were already in a relationship, she’s the last person you should be having anything to do with romantically.”

My words are tumbling out of me like a runaway freight train, but there’s no way of stopping it. It’s everything I’ve had bottled up inside me and he deserves to hear it.

“You think there’s something wrong with what I’m doing?” he asks. “All I’m doing is making sure I’m set for life.”

“How the hell do you figure that? Things were going fine with us. I had no indication that you were cheating on me!”

I bump into the dresser as I pass it, and the corner digs into my hip. Gritting my teeth, I limp over to the window and lean on the sill. If only Eric were here right now; I really need to throw something around, preferably Eric himself.

“Well, I’ve always wanted to go further in life, and I have no intention of being a paper pusher forever,” he says matter-of-factly. “I’m not going to be promoted being in a relationship with you. I backed the wrong horse.”

“What are you saying?” I can’t believe I’m hearing this. From a man I thought was kind and loving and decent. Boy, was I wrong.

“I thought if I was your man, I’d get promotions because of how close you are with the boss,” he replies. “But that never happened. So when Anna started showing interest in me, I went with her instead.”

Now I’m feeling sick. How did I completely miss this? I press a hand to my stomach.
