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I’m sure he’s not going to order anything. Mr. Evans will forget to eat if someone doesn’t get it for him. I make a mental note to get something for him on my way back.

Besides, I can hear Eric’s voice in my office. He’s probably waiting for me, and I shouldn’t dawdle around my hot boss. At least he’s not alone. I can hear him talking in a low voice with someone, and the other person is giggling. He’s probably telling one of his bad jokes again.

I enter my office, only to stop suddenly when I see two people in a passionate clinch. One I recognize as Eric, who has his tongue shoved down another woman’s throat. And from the moans emanating from both of them, they are clearly enjoying it.

The woman is partially obscured from me, but I recognize the long, bright pink nails as she holds onto his shoulders, the raven-black hair that falls almost to her waist, and the familiar silver diamond glinting in her ear.

“What the hell is going on?”

Eric breaks the kiss and looks around. But he doesn’t look embarrassed at being caught. And the woman in his arms giggles at me, giving me a smug look.

“Hey, Megan,” Anna says. “I thought you were going to be longer, dealing with Dad.”

“I… what…?” My mind is reeling.

I can’t speak. What is happening? Is this a bad dream, or is my boyfriend kissing my boss’ daughter?

Eric laughs, his arms still around Anna. “I think we’ve shocked her into silence, Anna.”

“I’m not surprised,” Anna giggles, running her hands up his chest. “It’s a lot for her to take in, after all.”

Why are they talking about it like they’ve done nothing wrong? My mouth is dry, and my head is pounding as I take in the sight of the guy I love holding onto another woman. This couldn’t be happening. It had to be a dream.

“What’s going on here?”

I jump with a little squeak when I hear Mr. Evans’ voice. I hadn’t realized that he had heard the commotion and joined us. Now he’s looking at the scene with a frown. It makes me wish that the ground would open up and swallow me whole.

“Hi, Dad,” Anna beams. “We just came by to see if you wanted anything. We’re going to the bistro across the street for lunch. Do you want us to bring some food back?”

“No, but… What’s going on?” Mr. Evans looks at me. “Am I missing something?”

“I… I don’t know.” Gathering the last of my composure, which is quickly seeping away, I focus on Eric. “What are you doing, Eric? What’s going on?”

“What does it look like, Megan?” Anna speaks as if Eric hasn’t been addressed. She still has her arms around him. “Eric’s here to tell you that he’s taking me to lunch instead of you because… Well, we’re dating now, and it would be weird if he didn’t take his girlfriend to lunch.”

“You’re dating?” I look at Eric, stunned to my core. “I want to hear it from you, Eric. Are you dating both of us?”

“Well, no, just Anna now,” Eric shrugs. “It was over between us, anyway.”

His words are like a hundred daggers to my heart. Heat rises to the back of my neck. Angry and humiliated, that’s how I feel.

“Since when?” I ask, my voice trembling slightly. “You never said anything was wrong!”

“Megan, you knew it was done. Besides, I can’t resist someone like Anna.” Eric presses a kiss to Anna’s head, and she gives me a smile that makes me want to rip her face off. “She offered, I accepted, and now we’re together.”

“Without telling me we’re over?”

I can feel my whole body shaking. Eric and I have been together for years. We had been talking about marriage, with Eric saying he was looking forward to it. Was that all a lie? Aware that Mr. Evans is behind me watching the scene, I try to focus on Eric.

“How long?” I ask. “How long have you been cheating on me?”

“Oh, he hasn’t been cheating on you,” Anna giggles. “There’s just been an overlap, that’s all.”

My mind is a mess. Nothing makes sense. “What? What’s that supposed to mean?”

“So, now you know,” Anna shrugs. “Eric and I are dating, and you’re done.”

“Get out of here.” The sound of Mr. Evan’s growl sends a shiver up my spine.
