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It’s been a while since I’ve heard him like this and when I do, I’m glad it’s not aimed at me. Eric looks equally uncomfortable, while Anna simply rolls her eyes. Like a petulant child.

“No need to get upset, Dad. We’re just letting Megan know not to bother us, that’s all.” She sounds like a spoiled brat the way she talks to her father.

“By getting one of my employees to tell his girlfriend that he’s been cheating on her?” Mr. Evans steps between me and the happy couple. “And in my office? Did you think that was going to be a good idea when you thought it up, or have you taken leave of your common sense?”

Anna doesn’t like being told off, and she pouts at her father. “Eric just didn’t get around to telling her earlier. I told him we needed to do it, and he eventually agreed. So, that’s what we’re doing.”

I want to slap her. I really do. This woman is a snobbish brat, but I thought we got along. I never believed that she would actually steal my boyfriend and treat it like they haven’t done anything wrong.

Mr. Evans steps closer to her and points his index finger right in front of her face.

“You and I are going to discuss this later, Anna,” he says, in a tone that says that he’s close to losing his temper. “In the meantime, get out of this office. And you,” he swings around on Eric, “if you’re a minute late from lunch, you’re going to have your wages cut for skipping work.”

Eric blinks. Now he looks a little nervous. After all he is working for Mr. Evans, not his daughter, Anna. But Anna, on the other hand, does not flinch.

“You can’t do that, Dad,” she whines. “He’s allowed to take a lunch break, and you can’t garnish his wages for that.”

Mr. Evans lets out a snarl that makes both Anna and Eric jump. It even startles me, and my heart is racing as the cheating couple back away from the CEO.

“Get. Out.” Mr. Evans towers over them. “You’re pushing my patience, Anna. Unless you want me to treat you like a child, I suggest you leave and stop behaving like one. Now, out.”

I can see that Anna wants to argue with her father—she is the more confrontational one out of his two daughters—but Eric is already pulling her out of the room. I can still hear her protesting as the door closes behind them.

Then silence closes in on me, and it hits me harder than I think. The room is shifting, then it begins to sway.


I feel hands on my arms, and the room momentarily stops tilting over. I find myself leaning up against my boss, practically resting against his chest. I can feel my face getting warm, and I know I’m blushing. God, why did this have to happen now?

“I… I need a break,” I whisper.

Mr. Evans is frowning at me in concern, but he nods. “You need a moment, of course. You can use my private bathroom,” he says quietly. “Splash some water on your face.”

“Th—thank you.”

I don’t know if cold water is going to do anything, but I do need to use bathroom; I’m sure my stomach isn’t going to keep what little I have in there for much longer.



Megan hasn’t come out yet. I glance over at the bathroom door again. I can hear some water running, but that’s it. At least it’s better than the retching sounds I heard earlier.

But I can understand her reaction. Seeing your boyfriend kissing another woman right in front of you, and then rubbing it in your face had to be difficult. Especially when the woman is looking like the cat who got the cream.

I’m struggling to understand why my daughter thinks it was a good idea to do this. Why would she go after a guy who was in a committed relationship? Given how wealthy I am—which means, in turn, that she has everything she needs and beyond—there has to be plenty of guys who want to be with her and she can take her pick. Why does it have to be my personal assistant’s boyfriend?

And why does she want to be seen as the other woman in a relationship? Surely, that’s not something anyone would be proud of, and yet Anna is wearing that badge with pride. I know she is a snob and a brat, but she is still my daughter.

Even then, there is a limit to what I will support and this isn’t something I can approve of. Especially when I know Eric was meant to be with Megan. From what I’ve seen, the two of them had been happy and a solid couple.

I find it embarrassing that my own kid got between my PA and her man. I feel like it’s my fault. I should have raised her better. Megan is not going to look at me the same way again.

Anna has indeed created a huge mess.

My cell phone is buzzing its way across the desk. I don’t want to answer, but I see that it’s from my other daughter. I would normally ignore the call—I am at work, after all—but when it comes to the kids I still try to answer just in case. If Natalie is calling me during work hours, it has to be important.

“Hey, Nat.” I try to keep the concern out of my voice.
