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I have an urge to smack Anna upside the head. But I’m glad she’s not here right now; she would be able to see the truth just by looking at my expression.

“Just tell me why you’re calling, Anna,” I sigh. “Is it about you and Eric getting married?”

“Wait, what?” Anna falters for the first time. “How do you know about that?”

I’m enjoying the fact that I’ve managed to get her on the back foot. The smugness wiped clean from her voice.

“Eric called Megan last night,” I relish sharing the news. “You need to tell your boyfriend to stop harassing her; she doesn’t need an empty-headed idiot like him contacting her all the time.”

“He’s not empty-headed!” Anna instantly gets her back up.

I notice that she doesn’t correct the ‘idiot’ part. I lean back against the counter, and then I’m aware that Megan is in the doorway watching me. I mouth ‘Anna’ at her, and she scowls with a shake of her head.

“Fine,” Anna huffs. “Eric ruined the surprise, but whatever. Can you put me on speaker?”

Her request is strange, and I can’t imagine what her reasoning could be. Except, she probably wants to taunt Megan some more.

“Why?” I ask, deciding to buy some time.

“Because I have something I need to ask Megan,” she takes on a patronizing tone. “I can’t get through to her on her phone.”

I rub a hand over my face. God, my daughter is persistent. Something tells me this is a bad idea. What could she possibly want to ask?

“Anna, there is a reason why you can’t get through,” I explain. “She doesn’t want to talk to you. Why would I put you on loudspeaker after what you did?”

“Because Eric and I want her to do something, and we need to talk to her,” Anna sounds like she’s whining now. “Please, Daddy?”

“Don’t call me that,” my jaw tightens. I hate it when she whines. When she acts like a child, instead of the grown woman she is.

“Okay, fine.” Anna sulks. “I’ll tell you, and you can ask her instead. Or tell her, rather.”

“Tell her what?” I snap, reaching my limit with her attitude.

Without missing a beat, Anna says, “That we want her to be our wedding planner.”

Again, I look at my phone, wondering if it’s morphed into something else. My daughter has taken leave of her senses. Megan frowns at me.

“What is it?” she asks, keeping her voice low.

Holding up my hand, I put the phone back to my ear. “Have you lost your mind, Anna?”

“What?” Her tone is dripping in fake innocence. As if she has no idea what she’s doing. “She’s perfect at organizing, and she knows us really well. It’s just what we need.”

I can hardly believe her right now and refuse to go along with her insane thinking. She’s out of her mind, surely.

“Excluding the fact that you stole her boyfriend from her...” I notice Megan coming closer when she hears me mention this. Her interest is piqued.

“Oh, Eric was going to dump her, anyway,” Anna reasons. “We just had an overlap, that’s all.”

“All the more reason she shouldn’t be your wedding planner,” I snap. “Why do you think you’re entitled to say you want the woman whose boyfriend you stole to be your wedding planner?”

I see Megan’s eyes widen. She’s clearly in shock.

Anna sighs. “Dad, it’s what we want. I know how good she is at getting everything in order. I want that for me.”

“No!” my anger reaches boiling point and I can’t help raising my voice.

But Anna is relentless. “Why don’t you just ask her and see what she says?”
