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“I don’t need to ask her, Anna.” I push off the counter. “This is probably more insane than you stealing her boyfriend. What are you trying to achieve? Do you want to rub it in her face?”

“Put me on speaker.” Megan is behind me, a stony expression on her face.

I stare at her. “What?”

“Put me on speaker, Mr. Evans.” Megan’s tone is as wooden as when I first came downstairs. “I’ll talk to her.”

I’m half-expecting her to tell Anna to get lost in lots of colorful words. Sighing, I do as she wants.

Megan swallows. “I’m here, Anna. I’ll be your wedding planner.”

“Really?” Anna sounds like she wasn’t expecting Megan to agree. “You mean it?”

“However, I have a few conditions,” Megan says.

There’s a moment of hesitation from Anna, then she asks, “Conditions?”

Megan seems to be in her power, an air of confidence about her that I haven’t seen in a while. “One, you only communicate with me by email. I won’t have you calling me. Two, you will only talk to me about the wedding and nothing else. I don’t want to hear about how amazing things between you and Eric are, or have you rub it in my face. Wedding details and nothing else.”

Anna makes a noise that has me seeing her in my head. I can imagine her rolling her eyes right now.

“I guess I can do that,” she says. “It’s going to be a pain, but I’ll do it.”

“And three, you pay me,” Megan finishes with a flourish.

“What?” Anna practically shrieks.

Megan glances up at me, and I see the steely determination in her eyes. I bite back a laugh, and motion for her to continue.

“You pay me to be your wedding planner,” she repeats. “Just because I work for your father doesn’t mean I’m doing this for nothing. I’ll send you an invoice, and you are to pay me before I do any work at all.”

“But why won’t you do it for free?” Anna blubbers, her whiny side coming back.

Megan scoffs, “Why would I do that?”

“As a wedding gift for us, that’s why.”

Megan’s face turns a deep shade of red. She’s mad as hell but fighting hard to contain her anger. This is already a lot better than I was doing before…

“Anna, you’ve got money, and considering how you and Eric got together and how I am a part of it, I don’t think you’re in a position to argue,” Megan sets her straight. “You agree to those three conditions, or you can go fuck yourself and find another chump to deal with this pathetic charade.”

I can hear Anna spluttering, and I almost want to burst out laughing. How did she think this was going to go? Did she believe that Megan was going to go along with no conditions? I’m surprised that she’s agreeing to this, but I’m not about to interject. She seems to be coping quite fine on her own.

“Okay, fine!” Anna moans. “Just don’t ask for anything too high.”

“You’re the daughter of a billionaire, and I know your monthly allowance is more than my monthly salary,” Megan says with a knowing smile. “Are you seriously trying to say that you’re going to be cheap with me?”

“That’s not…”

“She’ll pay,” I interrupt Anna, not taking my eyes off Megan. “If you want this outrageous demand, Anna, you will do as you’re told. You’ll be sent a contract and an invoice soon. Make sure you follow it.”

I hang up before Anna can protest, tossing my phone onto the counter. Megan stares at me for a moment, and the silence hangs thick in the air. Then she turns and heads toward the dining room.

“My breakfast is getting cold.”

“Megan…” I call after her.

But she’s gone before I can say anything else.
