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And my stomach drops. I can’t believe the nerve of these people. “You have got to be kidding me.”

“What is it?” he asks, overcome by his own curiosity.

I can’t believe what I’m holding. “It’s a wedding invitation to Anna and Eric’s wedding.”

Clark looks bewildered. “What? They actually sent you an invitation? But I thought you were going to be at the wedding as their planner, anyway.”

“I am. And I know my name wasn’t on the list of guests. They must have slipped it in there.”

Clark shakes his head in disbelief. “I told you when you first mentioned this that you should take the money and ignore them. They deserve to compensate you for something.”

“Not when Anna’s dad is my boss. And I said it was my way of making sure that they didn’t harass me with all the details, so to speak. I guess I missed this one.” I tear the invitation in two and drop it into the trash can. “I don’t think that dignifies an answer.”

“What about the letter?”

I unfold the piece of paper, and what I see leaves me feeling more confused. “It’s an invoice.”

“For what?” he blurts out in alarm.

“I’m not sure. But it’s saying for the date of the engagement party.” Clarity sets in. “I think she’s trying to bill me for the engagement party.”

“What?” Clark snatches the letter out of my hands and walks away while he reads it. “There’s a note on it as well for ruining the party by making a scene and running away. It doesn’t look legal, though, so it’s just Anna blowing smoke up your ass.”

“I can’t believe the audacity.” I burrow into my bag and find my cell phone. “What did she think she was doing, sending me something like that?”

“Megan, what are you doing?”

I find the blocked number and unblock it, dialing it as soon as I’ve done so. I can see Clark gesturing at me, but I ignore him as I listen to the ringing. Finally, Anna picks up.

“Oh, hey, Megan. I was beginning to think you didn’t want to hear from me anymore.”

“It’s going back on as soon as I’ve gotten an explanation for this stupid bill you’ve sent to me, Anna.” My rising anger causes my hands to tremble, but I practice restraint. Even if it’s just for the length of this phone call.

“Oh, that? It’s just for you ruining the engagement party,” she says nonchalantly. “Nobody could talk about anything else, and I was upset that you made such a fuss. Not to mention my dad and sister split because of you.”

I can’t help but laugh at that response. It was so ludicrous. “Are you kidding me? You tried to sell me to a stranger so you could humiliate me, and you say I’m the one who ruined everything? You did that to yourself.”

Anna snorts. “You think that’s going to fly. I’ll take you to court if you fight me on this. Don’t think I won’t.”

“And you’ll get your ass handed to by your dad,” I snap back without missing a beat. “He’s not going to be happy with what you’re doing.”

Anna scoffs loudly. “As if I’m going to care about that! He’s refusing to give us money toward our wedding, so we’re having to cover it ourselves. We have to get the money from somewhere, and there’s only so much my Mom can help us with.”

I don’t realize that I’m pacing until I stub my toe on the couch. Gritting my teeth, I turn to hobbling.

“So this is your solution to get more money? By selling me?” I ask.

“We weren’t going to sell you,” she huffs. “And you weren’t the only one.”

She thinks her reasoning makes total sense, and expects me to buy it.

“But you did it to humiliate me!” I yell. “I’m doing this planning for your sham of a wedding as a favor to your dad, not you, and you treat me like this? You’ve already stolen my boyfriend and embarrassed me with how much you’re flaunting it. What more do you want with me?”

Anna scoffs, and an angry, icy tone enters her voice. “Well, you shouldn’t be such a backstabbing bitch, should you?”

“Excuse me?”

“You’re trying to get Eric back,” she spits the words. “I found out about it from him just before the engagement party. He confessed that you’ve been trying to get him back.”
