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I stop abruptly. Did I hear her correctly? “What did you just say?”

“You’ve been trying to seduce him back. Eric said he was ignoring you, but he’s been sneaking out or staying late after work when he wouldn’t before.” Anna sounds like she’s spitting fire. “He says it’s to pay for the wedding, but I know he’s around you. You’re not going to get him back.”

“But I don’t even want him back!” I protest. “Why do I want to be back with a cheater?”

Anna’s seething. “Don’t lie to me, you pathetic little witch! Eric is mine now.”

“If you believe that of me, why are you trying to invite me to the wedding? Why make me the wedding planner at all?”

Anna sniggers. The angrier I get, the more amused she is by it. “Because I want to see the look on your face when you see the love of your life get married to someone else. I want to see you break down knowing you’ll never have him back. He’s mine now, and I’m definitely the better choice.”

I wonder if I’m stuck in one of those gaudy romance novels. “You sound unhinged Anna.”

“You’re getting above your station,” she says. “I want to trample you as much as I can.”

“Seriously? You think that’s what is going on and you’re not at fault.”

“I know I’m not at fault. Someone had to take you down a few pegs, and I’m glad it was me,” Anna’s voice turns into a hiss. “Try and get Eric back, and I’ll make sure things get worse for you. You wouldn’t want to lose your job, would you? I can make it so you are fired if you push me.”

“But I don’t want Eric back!”

“You’re not a very good liar, are you?” she scoffs.

Suddenly, the phone is yanked out of my hand, and Clark is putting it to his ear. He looks as angry as I feel.

“Now listen here, you little bitch. Stop harassing my sister, and tell your boyfriend that if he doesn’t want to be castrated, he should leave Megan alone. I don’t want to see him around here again.” He listens for a moment. “If you really believe Megan has no self-worth that she would take that piece of trash back, then you’re living in a delusion. You’re getting blocked again, so put a cork in that fat mouth of yours.”

I can still hear Anna protesting angrily as my brother hangs up. He shakes his head.

“Honestly, she’s sounding like she needs one of those jackets that ties up at the back and hugs you really tightly.”

I don’t know how to respond, but Clark is right.



As soon as I got that call from Megan asking to talk, I was out of the door before she finished speaking. She said that she couldn’t talk over the phone, and she sounded distressed. Just that Anna had done something really stupid.

What did Anna try this time? She was behaving like a brat, like she hadn’t grown out of that high school mentality. I wonder if she’s ever mentally matured properly. Someone who would steal a guy who is in a relationship is just unacceptable.

Then again, she does have Caitlin for a mothe, and she did the same thing.

I don’t want to be mean about my own daughter, but her actions are so frustrating. I’ve never seen something so stupid after my own divorce. Anna knows what happened with my marriage, and she saw how much it hurt me. Why would she do the same thing? Eric wasn’t exactly a great catch, if I was being honest. So why would she steal away someone who didn’t even have anything going for him. If anything, Eric was the one who had more to gain.

If this was because of something regarding Megan, Anna had a real jealousy issue. It sounded like she wasn’t mature enough to get married.

There is a park across the street from Megan’s building, and I slot into the first space I see. From my seat, I can see Megan sitting at a table under a tree near the playground. There are a few older kids playing on the equipment, their laughter reaching me as I get out of the car while they take the swings higher than what they should. It’s making me uncomfortable, but not my problem.

I’ve got something else to worry about.

Megan is staring at her phone as I approach. She looks up and gives me a watery smile.

“Thanks for meeting me here.”

“It’s fine, but why here?” I slide onto the bench across from her. “Why not in your apartment, or talk on the phone?”

“I… I don’t know.” Megan closes her eyes, putting her phone on the table and massaging her temples. “I’m just in a mess right now. Everything is just making me want to scream.”
