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Especially when she’s in my arms. I miss her when she’s not there.

Who knew that she would be the one to capture my attention and turn everything upside-down? The most efficient, hardworking and toughest woman I have ever come across and now she is the one who gets past my defenses.

Of course, Natalie’s words about Megan having a crush on me are still in my head. That probably is what drove me when I was with Megan, what has made me admit my feelings for her. Saying that I liked her was an understatement but it was the best I could do.

I am in such a mess.

When morning finally arrives and I barely drag myself out of bed, I am not in the best of moods. This isn’t helped when I get a text from Megan saying that she needs to take a mental health day today, so she won’t be in. Since it’s not a habit of hers, I allow it and text her back to tell her to rest well. But it annoys me that I won’t be seeing her.

Stop being so selfish. Megan needs space, and she can’t get it if you have her working so close to you. Let her have that space to breathe.

My heart heavy and my mood low, I head into the office and get one of the admin assistants to come up and take over the workload. Peggy is normally the woman I pick out whenever Megan isn’t around. She’s a quick learner, and she keeps her head down. Not quite at Megan’s level, but she is very close to it. Thankfully, she’s available, so she’s at my office very shortly after I’ve got myself set up.

“Morning, Mr. Evans,” she says as she comes striding in, pushing her tortoiseshell glasses up her nose. I find myself looking at the glasses more than her.

“Aren’t you going to get some glasses that actually fit you, Peggy?”

She looks indignant. “They fit me. I just have a more slanted nose than normal people.”

“I’ll take your word for it.” I log in on the desktop. “Could you check that Eric Dobson is in the building? Whether he is or not, leave a message that he needs to come to see me immediately.”

“Yes, Mr. Evans.” Peggy then hesitates. “He’s not going to cause trouble for Megan, is he?”

“Why do you say that?” I ask.

“I’ve heard him talking about her while he’s meant to be working,” she says. “Something about a dowdy and boring girl not being able to keep his attention and she’s outlived her usefulness.”

I have suspected that Eric was saying things about Megan, but this just fills me with rage. But I keep that contained; I’m not about to lose my temper in front of an employee.

“Eric won’t be a problem for Megan any longer,” I reply. “She won’t be in today, anyway, so there won’t be that much of an explosion.”

“But there’s going to be an explosion.”

It wasn’t a question, and Peggy looks interested. I nod toward the door.

“Just go and send the message, Peggy. And then get on with those emails. I want them completed by the end of the day.”

“Of course, Mr. Evans.”

Peggy leaves, her long red ponytail swinging behind her. I have no doubt there are going to be rumors going around the building once Eric leaves; good as she is at her job, Peggy loves to gossip.

Although, in this case, she would be right about what was going to happen.

It takes fifteen minutes before Eric is knocking on my door. He looks a little nervous. Good, because I want him to be nervous.

“You wanted to see me, Mr. Evans?” He seems to be in a good mood.

I am more than happy to change that.

“Come in, Eric. Close the door.”

Eric pauses, and then he does as he’s told. He moves toward the desk. I contemplate making him stand before the desk and waiting for me while I do something very slowly, just to make him squirm. But I don’t want him in my office longer than I want.

“I’m not going to mince words, Eric. I’ve heard things about you that are quite troubling,” I say, getting straight to the point.

He flounders a bit, but quickly regains his composure. “I’m not sure what you mean, Mr. Evans.”

“You’ve been talking about Megan with other employees. I’ve heard that you’re very disrespectful about her and her character,” I lean back in my chair. “Do they know that there is a massive overlap between your relationships with Megan and Anna? Or did you conveniently leave that out? But I don’t think anyone will be too impressed when they hear that part.”
