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A knock at the door has me glancing back, and Peggy comes in.

“I can hear some shouting by the elevators, Mr. Evans. I don’t think Eric is going to leave quietly after whatever you said to him.”

“Just call security if they haven’t been called already,” I reply. He’s not my problem anymore. “Eric needs to be escorted from the building.”

“So you’re firing your future son-in-law?” Peggy’s eyes are round. I know she’s looking for gossip.

“Just make sure he leaves the building, Peggy. And are you getting on with those emails?” I remind her.

“Sorry, sir. Yes, sir.” Peggy leaves, closing the door quietly behind her.

At least that is one thing sorted out. Now I’ve just got to wait for the other pressing issue. Which means waiting for Megan to give me her answer.

I hope that I’m not waiting for a long time. It’s only been a few hours and I’m already antsy.

Chapter 13


“Lunchisready,Megs.”I barely acknowledge anything until Clark moves to stand in front of me, blocking my view of the TV.

“Clark,” I whine. “I was watching that.”

“Oh? You’ve managed to focus for the first time?” Clark puts his hands on his hips. “Even on something as mundane as a nature documentary?”

“It is interesting.”

“You’re one step away from watching an ASMR video. I swear it’s been showing rain in the Amazon for the last two minutes.”

He is partly right, but my attention is snagged by what actually is on the TV. Somehow, watching how the rainforest was home to so many fascinating animals is soothing and I am able to listen to the narrator’s calm tone in the background and feel relaxed. I haven’t felt like that properly for a while.

Now my brother is standing in front of me with an unconvinced look on his face. He doesn’t believe that I found it interesting. Then again, since I have found an auction show earlier in the day interesting, he does have reason to be concerned. My mind has been all over the place, and I really don’t know if I can iron it all out.

“Well, come on, you,” Clark reaches down and pulls me to my feet. “I’ve made lunch, and it’s too good to go to waste.”

“It’s only sandwiches, Clark,” I remind him. “From the store down the street.”

“And I still went out of my way to go and get them. Now sit down and start munching, little sister.”

Sighing, I settle down at the table, Clark sitting across from me. I know I should be grateful that he’s here. I have never called in sick for work without a legitimate reason, but I just can’t face going in after that confession from Joel. What am I supposed to do with it? It makes me feel very nervous that we are on the cusp of something I’ve only thought about in fantasies. Those do leave me feeling warm and fuzzy if I allowed myself to explore.

But that is a fantasy. The reality would be very different. Mostly because I would have to deal with the immature idiots who are determined to screw things over with their stupid demands. Can I deal with that as well?

My phone buzzes across the room, which makes me pause as I’m about to take a bite of my sandwich. Clark watches me, as if he expects me to go charging across the room to check it. But I start eating instead, the food struggling to go down my throat as I swallow. I’m hungry, but it also makes me feel a little nauseous. Maybe I shouldn’t eat, but I’m going to feel worse earlier and I don’t want to upset Clark.

Although I’ve definitely done worse to upset him before.

My phone buzzes for what feels like forever, and then it stops. Thirty seconds later, we’re both jumping as it begins to ring. Even though I’m used to it, that ringtone makes my teeth grind together.

“Are you going to get that?” Clark asks.

“I’m not. I said I wanted to take a break from work.” I glance at my phone vibrating across the couch cushion. “I’ll check it once we’ve finished eating. If it’s Joel, he can wait.”

He would respect me taking a day to myself, especially after his admission. He would understand. We will talk about it tomorrow.

If I could give him an answer, that is. My logic is flip-flopping, and I’m still not sure what to do. Being away from him isn’t really helping.

The phone stops ringing, only to start again a moment later. Sighing, Clark gets up and goes over to the couch, muttering to himself. He picks up my phone, shaking his head when he looks at the screen.
