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She eyes me curiously. “What are you doing here?”

“Can we do this in the apartment instead of out in the hall?”

I think Megan is going to refuse, but then she nods and gently nudges her brother aside. Clark doesn’t seem to like this as he keeps scowling at me, but I do my best to ignore him as I enter the apartment. Megan has her arms wrapped around her middle as she walks over to the couch. A documentary of some kind is on the TV, something mundane about nature. I didn’t realize Megan was into those types of shows.

I glance back at Clark, who is still watching me. “Is it possible to speak in private?” I ask.

“What for?” Clark demands. “You’re not going to hurt her, are you?”

“What? No! I would never hurt Megan.”

Clark grunts. “You’re the type of person who can hurt someone without even trying.”

Megan sighs. “Clark, just stop. Could you give us some time?”

Clark narrows his eyes, but he doesn’t argue. Sighing, he grabs his keys and a jacket.

“I’ll go out, then.” He picked up a laptop case and slings it over his shoulder. “The coffee house down the street has good Wi-Fi, and I need to do some work. Text me when you say it’s safe to return without seeing something I don’t want in my brain.”

With a final wave, he leaves the apartment and shuts the door.

I frown at Megan. “What did he mean by that?”

“I think he means that he doesn’t want to come back and see us fucking on the couch,” she says without batting an eye.

“You want him to see that?” I can’t hide my alarm.

Megan rolls her eyes. “Joel, please. Not when I live with my brother.”

That’s something, but now I’ve got thoughts of seeing Megan laying out on the couch naked, beckoning me to join her. My cock immediately hardens, and I force myself to think of something else to stop my brain from short-circuiting.

Thinking about Eric seems to help somewhat. I adjust my jacket sleeves, hoping that Megan doesn’t look down.

“I thought I’d tell you that I’ve fired Eric.”

Megan’s eyes widen, and her mouth drops open. “What? You fired him?”

“I wasn’t going to have someone like him in the company. From the way he was talking, he genuinely thought that he would be taking over the company when I retire.” I shake my head as I remember the interaction. “I don’t know what Anna said to him, or what he believed, but he was living in a land of delusion.”

Megan’s mouth closes, and then it opens again. I can’t help but laugh at the sight.

“You are looking like a goldfish now, Megan.”

“That’s not funny,” she frowns. “Why would you do that? You shouldn’t have done that for me. He could file a suit for wrongful termination, you know.”

“I have plenty of evidence saying that he’s not doing his job, and his colleagues were having to make it up because he was always doing something else. He used you and Anna as a shield not to get any work done because of how close you two are to me, so they didn’t say anything until I came looking.” I spread my hands. “His days were numbered, and he’s gone.”

Megan still looks disbelieving. “So this won’t come back to bite you?”

“No, it shouldn’t,” I reply. “And it shouldn’t have any after-effects on you, either.”

She sighs, rubbing a hand over her face as she turns away. “Now I know why he was contacting me so much.”

“He contacted you?” I ask, my tone heavy with concern. I don’t trust the sleazebag at all.

She nods. “Tried to. He used a different number to text me some nonsense about how this is my fault. Now it makes sense after what you’ve just told me.”

I approach her, gently turning her around and putting my hands on her shoulders. She doesn’t pull away, which I consider a good thing.
