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Clara gives me a smile that makes me wonder what she’s holding back as she turns away. “You’ll see soon enough.”

I watch her go, wondering what on earth’s going on. Then I pick up the glass and finish it off. It makes me feel a little dizzy once I’m done, but it’s only momentarily.

Hopefully, my stomach settles as the day goes on. Being around a couple of people I would rather drop kick away from me isn’t going to be fun if I feel like I’m going to be sick. I wouldn’t give them the satisfaction.



“Oh, dear,” Natalie murmurs.

I look around at her comment, and I see Caitlin walking into the room. I have got to admit that she looks amazing in a shimmering gold dress, her hair perfectly coifed and revealing the exquisite body that she’s managed to maintain. Although I do think that the dress is a bit too much for a wedding, especially as the mother of the bride. At a certain angle, it does look like she’s wearing a white dress.

On her arm is a young man close to Natalie’s age. Handsome and well-built wearing a tuxedo, but he looks a little awkward. Caitlin is holding onto his arm, whispering into his ear something that makes his face go red.

“Oh, for goodness’ sake,” Natalie turns away with a shake of her head. “I pity the poor boy. Which college did she hang outside to snag him?”

I bite back my laughter and say, “Don’t be rude, Natalie. That is your mother.”

“And she’s obviously here with someone my age to make you jealous. You know she is.”

I grunt and sip at my champagne. “Let her do it. She’s not getting anything from me.”

“Are you sure about that?”

“Natalie, don’t you trust me? If she wants to look like a fool, let her do it. I’m not playing any games.”

“I wish we could just leave,” Natalie sighs. “I don’t want to be here and watch Anna get married to that snake.”

“Then why are you here? You could have said no.”

“Because I know there’s going to be drama, and I want to watch it unfold,” Natalie arches an eyebrow at me. “And I know you said you wouldn’t be here, but here you are.”

“Only for Megan. I want to make sure she’s okay.”

Natalie smiles. “You couldn’t be more obvious if you tried with how you behave around her. I don’t think I’ve seen you this smitten.”

I don’t respond except with a smile. Natalie had figured out that Megan and I were now a couple pretty quickly, but that’s it. She has promised to keep it a secret, especially from Anna and Caitlin; I don’t want Megan to be harassed for it. Natalie was actually proud of me, telling me that it was about time. It makes me wonder how much more she noticed between Megan and myself.

I regret it taking this long, but I don’t regret making Megan my woman. Calling her my girlfriend does feel good. I don’t think I’ve made a better decision. Dancing around the situation had been driving me insane.

Of course, we keep it professional at the office. Apart from that one time before the crazy engagement party, we keep our hands off each other and treat each other like boss and employee. But that heightens everything between us, and as soon as we’re off the clock, we’re tearing at each other’s clothes. It feels incredible. I don’t think I’ve stopped smiling since Megan became mine.

Anna doesn’t know, but it’s nothing to do with her. I know when she eventually finds out she’s going to cause a fuss, and I want to get through her damn wedding as smoothly as possible. She knows that she’s already on thin ice with me, and I am not about to deal with her out-of-control behavior any longer. It’s put Megan into a lot of distress, and her actions have shocked me. She’s my daughter, and I’m always going to see her as that. I do love her, after all.

I just don’t like the person she’s become.



Natalie is nudging me, nodding toward the far end of the room. “That’s Ashley, one of Anna’s bridesmaids. She’s calling you over.”

Sure enough, I see the petite blonde girl in a floaty pink dress waving to get my attention. I was told that she would come and get me to join my daughter in the dressing room. Thank God for that, because I see Caitlin making her way toward me, and I don’t want to interact with her.

“Good timing,” I hand my glass to Natalie. “Why don’t you entertain your mother, Nat?”

“Have I ever told you that I hate you?” Natalie grumbles out of the corner of her mouth, before turning and flashing a brilliant smile at her mother. “Mom! You look amazing! I love the dress!”
