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I don’t hear Caitlin’s response as I make my way through the guests. Natalie is very good at entertaining people even when she doesn’t want to, and that includes her mom. And if she manages to distract Caitlin until I’m out of the room, even better.

Making a mental note to buy my daughter something as a thank you, I join Ashley at the end of the room. She gives me a smile and turns away.

“If you’ll follow me, Mr. Evans? Anna and Eric have had their first look, and now she wants you for photos.”

“I thought we agreed that I wouldn’t be in any photos beyond the planned ones later on.”

Ashley shrugs. “I’m not going to argue with her about it. She is like a train on the tracks once she gets going.”

I know that much; I can be like that myself. But I, at least, know when to pump the brakes.

Ashley opens the door to the dressing room and I enter to find Anna talking to the photographer. She looks stunning, her dress fitting her figure with a flowing train. I admit that I feel a swell of pride seeing her like this. Even with everything she’s done, she is my daughter, and to see her get married is an honor.

Although she’s getting married to Megan’s ex-boyfriend and wants to rub it in her face. That does dampen the image a little.

Anna turns, her expression brightening when she sees me. “Dad!”

The photographer starts snapping away as Anna approaches me. I take her outstretched hands and look her over.

“You scrub up really well, Anna.”

“Oh, Dad!” Anna pouts. “You’re meant to say that I look like a princess, and that you’re honored to have me on your arm.”

“Don’t push your luck. You know the reasons why I’m not falling over myself.”

Anna huffs. “Honestly, I don’t know why you’re still on Megan’s side. She’s an employee. A nobody.”

“Eric was an employee of mine as well. Did that make him a nobody as well?”

“That’s not what I meant!” she retorts, upset about being caught in her own skewed logic.

I let go of her hands and fold my arms. “Look, I agreed to walk you down the aisle despite everything going on because it’s the easiest way to keep everything smooth. But just because you got your own way a little bit doesn’t mean you can speak so disrespectfully about Megan. You’ve treated her badly for a long time, and it’s getting old.”

Anna puts her hands on her hips. “Really, Dad? You’re going to do this on my wedding day? It’s my day! If I want to insult someone, I will.”

“No, you won’t,” I argue. “Especially if the person in question is your wedding planner and doing this despite you having stolen her boyfriend.”

“She isn’t worth the paper that contract is written on. Why did I have to pay her? She’s your employee.”

I’m still surprised by how selfish and self-centered my daughter can be. It’s getting old, fast.

“And you were asking for something for free,” I say. “You do realize that you can’t have that. Megan can be generous, but you had the nerve to demand it after what you did?”

Anna’s jaw is tight. The photographer has stopped snapping pictures of us and looks nervous. The bridesmaids are glancing at each other, the atmosphere awkward. I sigh and shake my head.

“Look, we’re getting this done. If you want to marry Eric, that’s up to you, but you will not disrespect Megan,” I make sure my tone is firm so she knows how serious I am. “You hurt her in the worst way possible, and she had a kind enough heart to agree to plan your wedding. Once this is over, I don’t want you bothering her at all. No calls, no visiting me at the office so you can see her, nothing. You leave her alone.”

“But, Dad…”

“No ‘buts’ about it,” I interrupt her childish whining. “You did something stupid, and I’m not happy about it. The least you could do is be a decent person for once in your life and leave Megan be.”

Anna’s mouth drops open. Two of the bridesmaids whisper together, both looking like they’re enjoying the drama.

“You don’t think I’m a decent person? Dad, I’m your daughter!”

“And I do love you, but I don’t like the person in front of me. I did not raise you to be like this.” It’s a hurtful but heartfelt admission.

One that’s totally lost on her.
